Friday, September 27, 2013


Most trees and plants require pollination between two or more plants for fruit to set.  Today though we are going to instruct you on how Christians can plant one thing to get another.  
As Christians we know that we are to tithe a 10th of all our income to the Lord. We know that we can also plant seed offerings. We have been taught that we reap what we sow.  What happens though when we do not have money to plant a seed for something we desire in life.  What do we do then?  Plant what you have.
Okay we can hear you saying no way we can plant tomatoes and get peaches.  If we suggested to you that you plant 10 dollars a month believing God for a car, would you not do it?  Money is not a car.  So let's take it a step further.  You can plant time, example offering to clean the church, or take care of the lawn as an offering to the Lord for that car.  You can easily offer your time to visit the sick and elderly.  We believe that if you give freely of what you do have then the Lord will bless you with what you do need. 
Only Christians can plant one seed and receive another.  The Lord in His wisdom knows what you need.  He also knows what you have to give.  Give freely of that which you have to give and the Lord will take care of your needs.
God Bless

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