Friday, October 13, 2006


To the Amish Community,
Please accept my heart felt condolences on the loss of your children. I am so very sorry that I am late in sending them. I remembered to pray but forgot to let each of you know how I feel. I can't and won't say I know just how you feel. I don't. I have never lost a living child so I will not insult ya'll. I know it is hard for each of you even now. I saw the hurt and despair my mama went thru when she lost three of her children. Two boys and one girl. I don't know if the void of losing a child ever heals.

To the American Community,
Over the years so much criticism has been leveled at this wonderful Amish Community. Mainly I think because people are jealous of the Amish having the ability to live a separated live as we are instructed to do in the Bible. Thru this terrible period of there lives they are the ones that have shown the true love of God and the forgiveness that can come from Him. They are living the part of the Bible that says, "it is better to give than to receive." I am praying that the world will wake up, especially the Christians and the so called Christians, and learn a valuable lesson from these wonderful people. They live a life that "is in the world" but "not of this world." Again, this is what the Bible tells us to do and be. We "have" to live in the word but we aren't to be a "part" of the world. It is not a nice way to show the people of this world what the Amish community is like, but God does work in strange ways sometimes.

How many of us are so willing to forgive? To share what has been given to us by others? Not many I would dare to say. Most of us would want to go out and kill the person who committed this devil act.

So, Christians of the world, the next time you think about or start to say something negative about this Community, take a minute to remember they are talking the talk and walking the walk. Let us follow the example set for us by God and ask forgiveness for all the negative thoughts we may have had about them.

God's blessings to each of you,


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