Saturday, November 11, 2006


"Othniel" means the lion of God

Was the son of Kenaz and younger brother of Caleb (Joshua 15:17; Judges 1:13; 3:9; 1 Chronicles 4:13) (B.C. 1460). The first mention of Othniel is on occasion of the taking of Kirjath-sepher, or Debir as it was afterward called. Caleb promised to give his daughter Achsah to whosoever should assault and take the city. Othniel won the prize for his bravery. The next mention of him in Judges 3:9 where he appears as the first judge of Israel after the death of Joshua, and the deliverer of his countrymen from the oppression of Chushahrishathaim (Judges 3:8-11).

Some thirty years after the death of Joshua, the Israelites fell under the subjection of Chushan-rishathaim, the king of Mesopotamina. He oppressed them for a full eight years, when they "cried" unto Jehovah, and Othniel was raised up to be their deliverer. He is the only judge mentioned that is connected with the tribe of Judah. Under him the land had rest for forty years.

KENAZ: means hunter

One of the sons of Eliphaz, the son of Esau. He became the chief of an Edomitish tribe (Genesis 36:11, 15, 42). Caleb's younger brother, and father of Othniel, (Joshua 15:17), whose family was of importance in Israel down to the time of David (1 Chronicles 27:15).

CALEB: For tomorrow

Kirjath-sepher, Kirjath-sannah, Kirjath-sepher, city of books, Joshua 15:15. The name of this town is an evidence that the Canaanites were acquainted with writing and books. "The town probably contained a noted school, or was the site of an oracle and the residence of some learned priest." The "books" were probably engraved stones or bricks. These cities were afterward called Debir. Debir: oracle town sanctuary. One of the eleven cities to the west of Hebron, in the highlands of Judah (Joshua 15:49; Judges 1:11-15). It was originally one of the towns of the Anakim (Joshua 15:15).

Achsah means ankle-chain, anklet

Caleb's only daughter (1 Chronicles 2:49). She was not satisfied with the portion her father gave her, and as she was proceeding toward her new home, she "lighted from off her ass" and said to him, "Give me a blessing (a dowry); for thou has given me a south land" (Judges 1:14-15), in the Negeb, outside the rich valley of Hebron, in the dry and barren land. "Give me also springs of water. And he gave her the upper springs, and the nether springs." Debir has been identified with the modern Edh-Dhaheriyeh, "the well on the ridge," to the south of Hebron.

Chushahrishathaim and Mesopotamia on Monday

God's blessings to each of you,

SOURCES: King James Bible, Easton's and Smith's Bible Dictionary


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