Saturday, December 09, 2006



Matthew 16:17-19

Reading this we see that Peter was blessed, he is in fact Peter, and on this rock [Peter?] Jesus will build His church. And Jesus gives Peter the keys to the kingdom of heaven. That is what we read, or is it?Let's start at the beginning and see what in fact Jesus is really saying and to whom. Lets look at the following scriptures to lay some ground work. Isaiah 22:22Rev 1:18, 3:7, 9:1, 20:1

We also want to look at these:
Matthew 7:24Luke 6: 47, 48John 1:42

Now that we have those scriptures lets look at Matthew the 16th Chapter. Start at verse 13 and read through verse 20.In verse 16 Peter was answering a question that Jesus had put to all the disciples. Verse 17 Jesus says Blessed are you Simon BarJonah.......and then it ends with a period, end of thought. No more no less. Verse 18 And I also say to you that you are Peter, [comma] change of thought again and then Jesus goes on to say and on this rock I will build My church...Verse 19 And I will give you the keys of the kingdom....

To whom was Jesus speaking? Well verse 20 tells us He tells His disciples to tell no one. If in fact Jesus had given to Peter personally that which He gave no one else then we would have to go to Peter to get into heaven. And that would make Jesus a liar because His word tells us plainly that He is the way, the truth, and the light, and there is no way to the Father but thru Him.

What Jesus was giving is to all who believe and follow after Him. Jesus told the disciples not to tell anyone because it was not the time to tell others. Many call themselves men of God and use this to not explain the word of God to others. As to the keys that Jesus was giving those were the keys to Hades which no man has to pay the cost for, or needs because Jesus Himself paid that price. Those are the keys of David which He bares on His shoulders.

God Bless,


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