Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Perhaps God brings us to the end of our resources so we can discover the vastness of His.

Isn’t that a wonderful thought to end our night, or begin our day with? LJG sent it to me just a few minutes ago. I was sitting here asking God what do I write tonight. Nothing would come to mind.

It is in our weakness that God is made strong. He wants to bless us, but not in ways that we can lay claim to with reason. He wants us to know when the blessings come that they are from Him. He will use others to bless us, but again He wants us to know that our thoughts are ‘without Jesus this couldn’t have happened.’ I loved the one that says ‘This had to be God, there is no way it could have happened without Him.’ That way we give credit to Him and not to man.

I remember about a year ago I was in the Laundromat drying clothes and a lady walked up to me. She looked embarrassed and had her head down. She was humble as she said I don’t mean to offend you, I asked God to bless me with an obedient spirit, and I feel led to give this to you. What she did not know is God had been doing a work in me to receive. She handed me a bill folded up. As I took it I told her thank you for being obedient to the Word of God and then the Lord had me bless her. God was using both of us to bless the other. We were both growing in accepting Him as the Ruler of our life’s.

When our resources run out He will be there. We need to grow to a point that our resources don’t run out before we look to Him. When we start looking to Him and Him only, then and only then can He fill our cups completely to overflowing. We need to get to a point that we go and do for the Lord without thinking how will I do this. That is believing in the vastness of His resources.



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