Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Psa 27:14 Wait on the LORD be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD .

How long are we to wait on answers from God. This past week a 464 page FBI report was released from an autopsy that was finally done on Emmett Till. Till as most of us remember was killed for whistling at a white woman, many years ago. The people responsible are all dead. But finally the family, those members still alive, knows the cause of death. Why so long? That is a hard question to answer. But the point is now they know.
It is the same with us in life. As a Christian we pray and ask God for things in our life. In many cases God will show us where He is going to take us, but not when or how. Knowing that it came from Him, we wait. What in fact is happening is we are growing into the person we need to be, before we get where we need to be
Look at Moses, how many years did he spend after God told him what he was going to do before God actually used him. David is another example. He was told he would be king, but it was many years before it actually came into being
I could list many Pastors and teachers that God told they would do this and that. But they did not see it happen for many years. In fact like David being a Shepard over sheep, or Moses tending his father-in laws sheep, most of these men and woman of God were not in any position to see how in their presence situation they could do what God was telling them they could and would do. But they held on to the promises that God had made to them and years, some many years, later finally saw the promises come to life.
Not giving up, holding on to these promises they finally saw them take place. Faith brought them through. They never let go, they said if God said it , then it is so. In spite of what they did not see.
Are you giving up to soon on a promise from God? He will not take it away from you, but you can walk away from it. And this is true of every promise that has been made to you in the Bible. God promises us many things in His word. But it is in His time, not ours. Wait. Wait on the Hand of the Lord. If He said it , He will do it. Is it worth waiting for?
I recently had a prayer answered after 33 years. What a joy, I never gave up. Oh there was a few times I was weary with faint. But finally the results are here. And I know that it was perfect timing.
God is never late. He is always on time. Time that we are prepared to receive what it is that He has for us. Able to accept the gift that He promised. Wait upon the hand of the Lord. It is worth it.
God Bless rECj

CHICAGO (March 31) - A 464-page FBI report released Friday contains gruesome details from the autopsy of Emmett Till, but it is so highly redacted that it doesn't shed much light on the teen's killing, which helped galvanize the civil rights movement.


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