Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Having a personal close relationship with Jesus is not impossible, nor is it hard. The more time you spend with Him the closer you get to Him. You come to a place where you know when it is Him speaking to you. Your Spirit will stir inside you and let you know that what you are doing is right or wrong. The only way is spending time in His Word.

The biggest problem some people have is believing GOD will do something for them. It is easier to believe for someone else then for yourself. You have to get it inside you that God does love you and desires for you to have what He said in His Word. He is talking about you, as well as anyone else that is saved.

As an example let’s talk about smoking. Now think about the Christians you know who smoke, maybe yourself. Well can you picture Kenneth Copeland puffing on a cigarette? What about Joyce Myers? Kind of hard to think isn’t it. Well they both are former smokers.

Years ago I was in a church and the pastors wife was this beautiful older woman, head full of gray hair, quite and somewhat shy, unless she was speaking to a group. One day the pastor was talking and he told us the first time he ever saw her she was sitting in a bar drinking a beer, and smoking a cigarette.

The point I am trying to get you to see is God was talking to all these people when they were smoking and drinking. He wasn’t finished with them yet. And He isn’t finished with you either. So do not let the devil tell you that there is any reason why you cannot get what Jesus has already paid the price for, that belongs to you.

That does not mean to hold on to sin in your life, but as God is cleaning you up remember these promises are to you when you pray. THE DEVIL IS WAITING FOR ANY CHANCE TO GET HIS FOOT IN THE DOOR. Don’t let him.

You cannot have doubt and faith. If you pray for healing, then believe you are healed, walk in it, and stand in it. And when the pain hits, tell it God said. If your Momma asks how you are doing say all is well. Do not speak any and I do mean any negative words into the air. The very words you speak come to life. Be very careful of what you say.

To more solidly show you what I MEAN I will tell you about something personal that happened to me over 6 months ago. I woke up one morning to pain, I rebuked it and said by Jesus’ stripes I am healed. The pain got worst. Six trips to the emergency room, no reason for the pain, I literally gave up, I hurt so bad. The doctors told me to apply for disability I would never be able to work in that pain. Shots of Demerol gave me no relief. Then one day my daughter who had been acting very odd to me jumped all over me. I am looking at her and telling her don’t you see I am in pain. She said you have always been a fighter, but you have just set down and accepted this. You are not the mother I know. Well she hurt me, hurt me bad. But it caused me to sit down and look at myself. I knew God healed, but she was right I had accepted the pain. I had even got a cane to walk with. I had a railing put up at the steps so I wouldn’t fall. My leg would just give out on me.

The next morning I got up and I said who I was in the Lord, and what belonged to me. I have never been in pain since. Oh my leg tried a few times to go out on me, but I kept right on walking. I am now working full time at a job where I pick up as much as 60 pounds off and on all day. I stand from the time I get there until I clock out.

I started speaking what God said and not what I felt. You have to speak what you want not what you are feeling.

People this is so important. If you don’t get out of the mind frame of speaking where you are, you will never get out of it. You have to speak where you want to be. If you are praying what the Work of God says, but turn around and speak the opposite, you are stopping your own prayers from getting answered.

So you have a set back. Get up, ask forgiveness and go again. To succeed you have to not listen to the voice of circumstances around you. Do what ever it takes to keep your attention on God’s Word. I find writing a scripture or two down and putting them in my pocket helps. I get to the point I just have to reach in my pocket and touch the card and the words are coming out my mouth.

To succeed you have to keep your eyes on Him. Then you will have a realization of God’s ability from your own personal experience. You realize that God moved because you prayed and used your faith.

You have never lived until you know the thrill of watching your prayers come to pass!

Tomorrow we will look at the Armour of God.

God Bless


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