Sunday, June 10, 2007


What you speak is what you live. If you look back over the day, how many times have you said something that hurt you instead of helping you? The simplest words spoken from your own mouth are the very words that can stop you from getting a blessing.

If someone walked up to you and said, today you will be unhealthy, and you shall not prosper, what would you say?

Yesterday at work I was not speaking what I saw around me, that was good, because it was confusion. But my face was wearing the worry, which caused a co-worker to walk up and ask me is something wrong. I told her no, everything was fine. But she saw it in my face. I tried to put a smile on, but just did not feel it. I was able to go into an area away from people. Later I told my co-workers I was sorry for my behavior. It wasn’t the words out of my mouth, they were okay, I was not speaking what I felt, but I was wearing the look that said, I have problems.

The minute we say we are one of those “Christians” people will wait for us to slip. That is one reason we need to be careful not only of our words but our actions. Actions can and do speak louder then words.

If I would have stopped myself, even if it meant taking a break and remembered whom I was, I could have had my joy on my face instead of the worry. I can give excuses that it was too much to fast thrown at me. I can say I didn’t understand what was going on. I can say that nothing was fair, I was not trained properly. And all of that is true in the flesh sense.

But I am a Christian, and greater is He that is in me then he that is in the world. All things work together for the good of God.

As I sat and reviewed my day, I asked God for forgiveness. Then I asked Him to show me where I went wrong. See nothing that was going on at work was too much for me, if I would have been prepared. It wasn’t that I was not trained properly, it is that I was rushing yesterday morning and while running out the door pulled on a few items of the armour and the rest was left behind.

If I would had clothed myself in God’s Word, instead of getting stressed by what was given to me to do, I would have said wait a minute, I know you are busy and have other work to do, but you are going to fast for me to catch everything you are saying, and I do not understand what all it is you want from me. To do this job properly I need for you to show me exactly where everything is, and each step of how it is done. But they were rushing and I didn’t. I now know that they are so comfortable doing it they forget the steps that taught them how to do it. They assume that I can and do know where to find it, but the truth is I don’t.

Whatever we face in life our words and actions will tell on us. To keep them in check, we have to apply the Word of God each and every day. Without our armour we leave areas of ourself exposed to the world, and have to be on guard.

I could say we all have bad days and that is true. The lesson learned was very valuable. You pick yourself up, ask forgiveness and go forward. I will not let it stop me. I will go forward. I will make it because God said I can do all things through Him.

God Bless


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