Monday, September 10, 2007



MONDAY: Psalms 1-5
Proverbs 1
TUESDAY Psalms 6-10
Proverbs 2
WENESDAY Psalms 11-15
Proverbs 3
THURSDAY Psalms 16-20
Proverbs 4
FRIDAY Psalms 21-25
Proverbs 5

You will need a journal, pen, high lighter and some quite time. As you read and compare the readings from these books we want you to note the ideas that stand out to you. Look at how they are as important today as they were when they were written. Look also for the mention of the coming Savior, you will find it throughout Psalms and Proverbs. It would also be good too write down any questions that come to mind.

You might choose to simply read them through and then go back for study. There is no right or wrong way to do this. We do ask as we always do when we start a series to pray and ask God to open your eyes to understanding and wisdom, to a new insight to His wonderful Word.

It is only through study of His Word that we can grow and develop into the person that He would have us be.

Remember that to love the Lord is the most wonderful awesome thing that will ever happen in your life. We all have problems but the Lord told us that he would supply all our needs if we seek after Him. If we are engrossed in our own little world, dwelling on our own little problems, then how can we reach out to others. Look around you at the people in the world, and we think we have problems, at least we know the Lord, and can go to Him. If we can learn to let go and stand on His righteousness in us instead of our own righteousness we can look at Him as who we are and not who the world says we are. And we do not care what the world says of us, as we live in the world but are not part of the world.

So take up your Bible and read the first books listed and tomorrow compare your notes to ours, let us see what stands out in the minds of different believers. I shall tell you here something my Dad shared with me along time ago. He said two believers can read the same scripture and both be enlightened by it, but with a different understanding. This by no means meant to take it out of context. It was applying the Word to different areas of their individual life's. I will give you an Example: Luke 3: 5-6. I gave this scripture to my son to stand on concerning his hand which had been mashed in a machine. There were no broken bones. Next I gave it to a young couple that is seeking the Lord for their own business and they have been facing problems. We can look at it and see healing for our bones, are look at it and see healing for our life. Both my son and the couple claimed the same scripture for totally different areas of their life.

God Bless,

Psalms 37:4
Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.


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