Wednesday, September 05, 2007


In the face of the devil and the entire world, righteousness triumphs. No devil in hell is big enough to stop it, and it is available to “whosoever will.” All are the same in God’s eyes. All need the power of God.

When we cry out in the Name of Jesus, He is there with open arms, waiting to receive us; changing us, recreating us. He then gives us His righteousness, and in doing so makes us powerhouses of faith.

God looks at the believer and sees us as righteousness. The Word refers to the believer as righteousness and light and to unbelievers as unrighteousness and the darkness. We the believers are the light, the light of the world.

As believers, we have His righteousness. We are the crowning creation of God. A reborn man is the greatest creation in the universe. Think about that for a bit. Man in his natural sinful state, headed straight for hell. By all the laws he deserved to be condemned forever. God intervened and legally changed the laws. He beat the devil at his own game, and life became the ruler over death. Jesus became Lord and the Champion of our salvation He became the Bishop over our souls in the new birth. He gave us righteousness, the ability to triumph in His Name, and we have peace with God.

Jesus, who knew no sin, was made to be sin. He was made to be our sinfulness so that we could be His righteousness. We have been made to sit with Him in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, victorious in Him. This is real victory!

We do not just bow a sub servant knee to God, we join our faith with His, giving Him the opportunity to do a miracle in our heart and turn us into the righteousness of Almighty God! Now we can approach the throne of grace boldly, without a sense of fear or condemnation, and receive from our Father all that is ours as a new creation in Christ.

Now I don’t know about you but that makes me want to stand up and shout. I can’t shout because there are people sleeping in the house. But shout in my heart I shall and I shall tell Him how great He is and Praise His wonderful Glorious Name. His righteousness is in me, and nobody can take it away.

Do you know His righteousness is inside of you? All you need, to be all God intends you to be, is right there right now. If you are saved, it is there, ask Him to reveal it to you and He will.

If you are not saved, then ask Him to come into your life. He has promised us so much. He will never leave you nor forsake you. He will give you His own righteousness. Now that is a loving God. Ask Him right where you are. There are no set words you have to say, just talk to Him from your heart. Tell Him you want to have a relationship with Him. And if you do ask Him into your heart, please let us know. We get excited when somebody joins our family, not to mention the angels in heaven shout.

God bless you each and everyone.


Think on this scripture today:
1 Corinthians 6:14 And God hath both raised up the Lord, and will also raise up us by his own power.


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