Thursday, September 06, 2007


Having a relationship with God is the most exciting thing that has ever happen to us. We shout when God gives us revelation about things. We get fired up when someone new comes to the Lord, or wants to learn about Him and His ways. Our life’s are full and ever growing. We love studying His Word and exploring everything He brings our way.

God is now leading us to go on a thirty-day journey to find out more about Him. We will be reading a lot, but we love that. The study will cover Psalms and Proverbs. So for the next 6 weeks we will share with you the walk we are on.

The books from Job to Song of Solomon are called the books of Poetry and Wisdom. These include Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon. Job for many seems to be a hard study, but it is in fact one of the masterpieces of world literature.

Psalms is poetry put to work. It is examples of the “way to Heaven’s door” in worship and in teaching. The inspired words cover festivals, royal occasions, for the sinner there are pleads for healing, and rejoicing over deliverance or revelation. The Psalms have been classified into five books, and within those books the Psalms are grouped by theme or under a collector’s name. The focus of Psalms is God and the relationship with His people. God’s glory power and might; His steadfast love and readiness too help; the trust His people can confidently place in Him; His justice; His impartial and inevitable judgment of all that is wicked.

Proverbs is a teaching book based entirely on reverence to God and obedience to His laws. The principles of God are applied to every aspect of life, relationships, home, work, justice, decisions, attitudes, reactions, everything we do and say, and yes even think. Experience proves that what God has taught is what is best for us. The book is divided into a general introduction of wisdom [chapters 1-9]; six collections of sayings [10:1-31:9] and last an alphabet’ poem on the good wife [31:10-31].

We will start with the first 5 Psalms and the 1st chapter of Proverbs. Each night we will continue with the next 5 Psalms and the next chapter of Proverbs until we reach the end. We will not read on the weekend, nor post those articles on the weekend. It is up to you as to how you wish to read them. We will post the day before the chapters to be read that we will post the next day. We do this so you can read and come to your own conclusion, or write down notes, and/or questions you might have, before you read what we write.

You will be noticing some other changes in the site. LJG has been doing a lot more writing. I am not handing the reins over to her, but in allowing God to lead us, He has chosen to let her and I handle the reins together. I am happy and excited about this. We will also be adding a scripture for the day. There might be other changes and you will see them as we continue to allow the Lord to do His will.

Prepare for the journey as we have, get ready to go to a higher level in the Lord. We are sure you will enjoy it as much as we will.

God bless each of you.

Isaiah 43:2 When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.


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