Wednesday, December 12, 2007


EYE ~ "To set the eyes" on any one is to view him with favour (Genesis 44:21; Job 24:23; Jeremiah 39:12). This word is used figuratively in the expressions an "evil eye" (Matthew 20:15), a "bountiful eye" (Proverbs 22:9), "haughty eyes" (6:17 marg.), "wanton eyes" (Isaiah 3:16), "eyes full of adultery" (2 Peter 2:14), "the lust of the eyes" (1 John 2:16). Christians are warned against "eye-service" (Ephesians 6:6; Colossians 3:22).

Source: Easton's Bible Dictionary

Matt 6:22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

Men maliciously and wickedly put out even the little light of nature that is in them.

That as the body is with the eyes, so our whole life may be ruled with right reason, that is to say, with the Spirit of God who gives light to us. If one's eye is diseased, all he sees is wrong. So the mind, or conscience, is the light of the soul. If these be darkened, all is darkness; if these see right, all is light. And what the eye is to the body, the intention is to the soul.

We may observe with what exact propriety our Lord places purity of intention between worldly desires and worldly cares, either of which directly tend to destroy. If your eye be single - Singly fixed on God and heaven, your whole soul will be full of holiness and happiness. As with the bodily vision, the man who looks with a good, sound eye, walks in light, seeing every object clear; so a simple and persistent purpose to serve and please God in everything will make the whole character consistent and bright.

Christ counsels to make our best things the joys and glories of the other world, those things not seen which are eternal, and to place our happiness in them. There are treasures in heaven. It is our wisdom to give all diligence to make our title to eternal life sure through Jesus Christ, and to look on all things here below, as not worthy to be compared with it, and to be content with nothing short of it.

It is happiness above and beyond the changes and chances of time, an inheritance incorruptible. The worldly man is wrong in his first principle; therefore all his reasoning's and actions therefore must be wrong. It is equally to be applied to false religion; that which is deemed light is thick darkness. This is an awful, but a common case; we should therefore carefully examine our leading principles by the word of God, with earnest prayer for the teaching of His Spirit.

Luke 11:34 The light of the body is the eye: therefore when thine eye is single, thy whole body also is full of light; but when [thine eye] is evil, thy body also [is] full of darkness.

When we aim at any thing else, we will be full of folly, sin, and misery.

God's Blessings to each of you,


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