Monday, January 14, 2008


Right now, right where you are, if Jesus knocked on the door what would be the first thing you do?
Could you, would you run to the door and throw it open. Could you, would you want to tidy up?
Look around you. Are there any books that you would not want Him to know you have in the house? Would you want Him to know that you read them? Is the TV on? Would you want to change the channel or turn it off? Is the radio on? I am sure He would understand you were just waiting for the news.
How about the liquor cabinet, I am sure He would understand, after all He did turn water to wine. And we only drink socially anyway, most of it is for our friends.
The bathroom is next. Do you need to run ahead of him to hide anything? I am sure He understands you don’t want to bother Him with a little headache or ache here and there. He knows that you need all those things. But ladies will He understand that after all you are a woman and that is for sore muscles, not for pleasing yourself.
Do you want Him to see in your closet, you know the clothes you don’t wear to church, that cute little bikini for your next weekend away.
Would you want Him to look at your Bible, you know that book in the corner that you use every Sunday morning. The rest of the time it sets gathering dust.
What of the rest of your house. Is He welcome to look everywhere?
Could you, would you answer the door?
God Bless,


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