Friday, January 18, 2008


I wish to thank my rECj for the beautiful words and thoughts portrayed by her on my day. Not many women can or do have the relationship that is between her and me. There is always so much jealousy and cattiness between most women, but thanks to God there is none of that with she and I. We do not always agree, which is only human, but we take those disagreements and work on them til we reach a point of agreement made possible only thru the love that God has given us for each other.

When we have the love of God in our hearts and do our best to live as Christ intends for us, there is nothing we can't and won’t overcome. How sorry we both feel for the women that won't open their hearts to the same sex and just plain give them a chance to prove their faithfulness not only to each other, but more importantly to God. Just put your trust, faith and love in God to work and see where it leads.
The word love in numerous forms are in the Bible 442 times. Starting with Genesis 2:22 and ending with Revelation 12:11.
The scripture that stands out the most to us is the following one. Matthew 5:46 For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? Do not even the publicans the same?
What is our love for each other if we do nothing with it. The reward is in loving those whom sometimes do not love us in return. We flow with love because we share and give it away.
There have been times in our life’s when we have had to step back and ask God to let us only look at someone through His eyes. Humbling is the only way we can explain the feelings that rush over us in looking at someone that way. God in His wisdom will allow this if you ask. I challenge each of you to try it when next you come upon someone that does fit into this group.

God bless each of you,


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