Saturday, February 02, 2008


We all know someone that asks those personal questions that most people don’t like. Are you pregnant; when are you getting married; why do you live there?
Paul said that he wished all could be as him and not marry. What of those of us who are happy and content in our life’s by ourselves? What of those of us who decide that at this time in our life’s they do not want children, are unable to have them?
I have been married more then once and each time it was a mistake. I decided to wait on the Lord for the right mate. After a while I began to enjoy life without a spouse. I feel happy and free for the first time in my life. But what of younger people who for whatever reason are still alone. The thing is, it is their choice.
Not having a baby is not always a choice, but the result of medical problems. One young lady I know can never have children because of cancer. Still people ask her why no children? Every time she is asked it hurts her as her desire was always to have babies running around the house, nurturing and watching them grow.
Are you guilty? Have you asked one of these questions to someone who really does not want to hear it? We need to be careful the questions we ask of others. There are personal questions that have no business being asked.
Look at yourself and think of a question that would offend you if someone asked it of you. Why don’t you lose weight? Is that your hair? Why do you limp? What happened to any missing body part?
The question I am asked the most is why don’t I cut my hair. My hair is almost to my waist and yes I am 56, so it is kind of old fashioned to some. But it is my hair I like it and it is a promise I make to God that I would not cut it. Now mind you I would not let it get to my ankles, and yes I do trim it. But why ask me that. Why am I single? Because for the first time in my life I am truly happy. Why don’t I lose weight? Excuse me I have lost 65 pounds.
Whatever the reason do not ask these questions, even if it is your closest, best friend in the world, unless they open the door for the conversation.
The next time one of those questions start to come out of your mouth, stop yourself and shut up.
One more thing that I was guilty of for a long time until my daughter stopped me one day; Do not reach out and touch the belly of a pregnant woman, unless she asks you to. As for a newborn baby stand back and admire unless the baby is handed to you.

Have a blessed day in the Lord and remember to always act like a Chrsitian!


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