Sunday, February 03, 2008


This was on my mind last night and all day at work. Why do we hold on to the things that are in fact pulling us down? There are many things in our life that can hurt us in the long run. It might be a habit that we have not given to God, yet. It might be something you are not even aware of. But what I want to address today is that old church doctrine that is full of lies.
I am going to share a story with you. I am cutting it as short as possible, but please take the time to read it.
Years ago I was seeking the Lord strongly, Dan 9:3 And I set my face unto the Lord God, to seek by prayer and supplications, with fasting, and sackcloth, and ashes:, I knew that I needed to get into church and some neighbors invited me to theirs. It was a wonderful experience, I was shown love and the preaching, it moved my spirit. I was on cloud nine. I had found a true church teaching Jesus. That is until I started asking questions.

I was called into the office at church and told by the preacher to do this and do that, which made no sense to me. Now I am not a fool by a long shot. I started asking more questions and was told to be quite and listen. But was getting no answers, Rom 12:2
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
My next step was somewhat hasty, but I hopped on a bus to go home to Momma. Momma was a Christian. When I got on the bus, I demanded God to answer my questions if He was God. I told Him every question I had on my mind and that when I got home before I went to sleep IF He was the God of my life PROVE Himself to me.
After a 24-hour bus ride I arrived at home. Before I knew it my uncle walked in and set down beside me and answered every question that I had asked God to answer. No one knew what I had told God. Afterwards as I went before the Lord to thank Him, He let me know that He loved me and I was never to tell Him to prove Himself again, and I never have.

I knew then this church did not line up with the Word of God. I never went back. My neighbors would actually turn their backs to me when I got back to my house. They never spoke to me again.
From then on I was very careful about the churches I did attend, I asked questions and I sought God on each church. Some I talked to the pastor and never even attended. I was and am still careful whom I let my soul be under.
Years later I was going through something and could not put my finger on what the problem was. I went to my Pastor at the time and he picked up in the Spirit what the problem was. I still after all those years had spirits from that church in my life. Well I repented, he prayed, I prayed and I was released from the demons that were in my life.
I am saying all this to try and get those of you who are in a church that does not line up with the Word of God to get out, and leave it behind you. I have seen churches where someone went to the Pastor and after much careful prayer things changed in that church. I am glad to see that there are Pastors who are willing to grow in the Lord. That is not what I am speaking of.
We can look back and see where some mighty men of God have tried to tell different religions that this and that does not line up and they were thrown out of the churches. My question to you is if you have sought God and see that things do not line up with the True Word of God, why do you stay? I know many awesome men and women of God who know the Lord and have a wonderful relationship with Him. Still though they attend that church that they know is lying to them. I do not understand.
Why would you hold onto that which has lied to you and hurt you? Is it not a lack of answers that has caused you to search anyway? Why do you want to hold onto anything that will hurt you, and stop you from having a full life with Christ? Do you realize and understand that you will have to answer to God for your actions? 1Sa 2:3 Talk no more so exceeding proudly; let [not] arrogancy come out of your mouth: for the LORD [is] a God of knowledge, and by him actions are weighed.
It took me years to find out that I was not receiving all God had for me because of spiritual ties that came from that church. Ties that I didn’t even realize were there.
Please seek God, Mat 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you, on all you do and if you are in a church that does not line up, then please get out and get out fast. We are talking about your soul, this is not a game, it is very real.
God Bless,


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