Saturday, April 19, 2008


Think on this for a minute or two: if Adam hadn't been so easily swayed by the woman (as the men have always been and still are) and eaten of the forbidden fruit that would have meant the woman would have been thrown out of the Garden and not him. Do you reckon he would have chosen to go on out with her? Or would he have asked, as Moses did, for God to forgive her and let her stay with him. What would have happened to the woman? Would God have made another woman for Adam? If not how would the rest of the people that came into existence thru them have gotten here? It just shows that God had it all under control and knew what He was doing. Yep, I know these questions aren't important or God would have put them in His Word. These are questions that came to me after doing last Saturday's editorial. Sorry, Betty and Michelle, I haven't forgotten ya'll.

Let me tell you what else happened on that day. I was looking up some scripture and low and behold Ezekiel 28:13 popped up. Well I let it go but even after I finished that articlele I just could not get Ezekiel 28:13 our of my mind. So off I go to read that chapter.

Yes I know this chapter is referring to the king of Tyre, but look at verse 13, Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created., ya'll that is telling us what was in the Garden of Eden!!! That is so exciting to me I just had to share this with each of you.

From Easton's Bible Dictionary we learn, "(1) in Eden - In the midst of all delights. The workmanship - Now the prophet notes their joys, musick, and songs, both to loud, and to softer musick, as the lute, and tabret in the day of their kings coronation, and all this on instruments of most exquisite make, and of their own artists work; in this they exceeded as in the other. Created - King: in the day of thy coronation. (2) sardius: or, ruby beryl: or, chrysolite emerald: or, chrysoprase. (3) in Eden-The king of Tyre is represented in his former high state (contrasted with his subsequent downfall), under images drawn from the primeval man in Eden, the type of humanity in its most Godlike form, garden of God-the model of ideal loveliness (Eze 31:8, 9; 36:35). In the person of the king of Tyre a new trial was made of humanity with the greatest earthly advantages. But as in the case of Adam, the good gifts of God were only turned into ministers to pride and self, every precious stone-so in Eden (Ge 2:12), "gold, bdellium, and the onyx stone." So the king of Tyre was arrayed in jewel-bespangled robes after the fashion of Oriental monarchs. The nine precious stones here mentioned answer to nine of the twelve (representing the twelve tribes) in the high priest's breastplate (Ex 39:10-13; Re 21:14, 19-21). Of the four rows of three in each, the third is omitted in the Hebrew, but is supplied in the Septuagint. In this, too, there is an ulterior reference to Antichrist, who is blasphemously to arrogate the office of our divine High Priest (Zec 6:13), tabrets-tambourines, pipes-literally, "holes" in musical pipes or flutes. (4) created-that is, in the day of thine accession to the throne. Tambourines and all the marks of joy were ready prepared for thee ("in thee," that is, "with and for thee"). Thou hadst not, like others, to work thy way to the throne through arduous struggles. No sooner created than, like Adam, thou wast surrounded with the gratifications of Eden. Fairbairn, for "pipes," translates,"females" (having reference to Ge 1:27), that is, musician-women. Maurer explains the Hebrew not as to music, but as to the setting and mounting of the gems previously mentioned."

Ethbaal, or Ithobal, was the prince or king of Tyre; and being lifted up with excessive pride, he claimed Divine honors. Pride is the sin of our fallen nature. Nor can any wisdom, except that which the Lord gives, lead to happiness in this world or in that which is to come. The haughty prince of Tyre thought he was able to protect his people by his own power, and considered himself as equal to the inhabitants of heaven. If it were possible to dwell in the garden of Eden, or even to enter heaven, no solid happiness could be enjoyed without a humble, holy, and spiritual mind. Especially all spiritual pride is of the devil. Those who indulge in sin must expect to perish.

Have I ever read this scripture before? I don't know but if I have it never hit me with its meaning until today.

Praise God, Thank You Jesus what a wonderful blessing I received on this day, 4/5/08. I don't think I can explain how happy I am and how my heart is filled with joy.

Jesus was in the Garden of Eden with His Father, He was in a Garden when the soldiers came to get Him so He could be put to death and He is waiting on us in a Garden.

God's Blessings to each of you,


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