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SANCTIFICATION ~ Faith is instrumental in securing sanctification, inasmuch as it (1) secures union to Christ (Galatians 2:20), and (2) brings the believer into living contact with the truth, whereby he is led to yield obedience "to the commands, trembling at the threatenings, and embracing the promises of God for this life and that which is to come."
Source: Easton's Bible Dictionary
The only thing I would say as I realized the car was going to hit us was ‘oh my God’ and then the crash. I felt myself thrown forward and then tossed back. Our car was pushed back and it did a three quarter turn before coming to rest maybe 2 feet from another car. I saw the car before my daughter, who was driving, it was in a blind spot. She grabbed me and that is what stopped me from going thru instead of only into the windshield. When I arrived home from the hospital, I made two phone calls. I called the two people who always seem to know when to pray for me NOW. My sister for the first time in her life did not know that I had been in danger. LJG in her sleep was being told to pray NOW.
Earlier this week I called LJG to tell her what to post on the sites the next day. We only spoke briefly as she said ‘my body is trying to tell me I am sick’, she does not remember the phone call. When I got off the phone I prayed for LJG, reminding the Lord that we had things to do for Him, she did not have time to be sick and it was not in His plan. The next day is when I was in the wreck.
Some people would ask why, none of us have asked that question. My daughter has said that she knows as we do that all things work to the good of the Lord. She tells me also that she has learned many valuable lessons from this wreck. It was to be the first day for a new job for my daughter, now she says she has to pray and seek God more as to what she is to do. LJG and I tell each other we must be making the devil mad, we have a blessing coming.
As I lay in the ambulance I remembered being rushed I had not prayed before leaving the house. I told the ambulance driver excuse me I need to talk to someone, and right there repented and asked forgiveness and prayed.
Within less then an hour I walked out of the hospital, in fact I started walking home, as I was only blocks from my home. A friend was on the way to pick me up and drove me the rest of the way. I am bruised and sore, but other then that I am okay.
LJG is doing great, whatever she had left and is gone. She refused to be sick in anyway.
I have heard this many times and am sure you have to ‘why do good things happen to good people?’ The devil cares about us Believers in the Truth about Jesus. Yes he cares enough to attack us in anyway he can get his foot in the door, to destroy us, steal from us, and kill us. That is the only way he cares. The Bible tells us that, it also tells us the devil is a liar.
Greater is He that is in me, then he that is in the world. Why is not as important to me as what I can learn from the ‘bad’ things that do happen to me. Bad things do happen to good people, bad things do happen to Believers. It is in what we do about the action that counts. Our reaction to the attacks of the world speaks volumes about us as Believers.
I pray that LJG will share the testimony of the illness that has tried to attack her body. It is a testimony of the healing power of Jesus. She has looked cancer in the face and is a survivor because of the grace and power of God. Her boldness in standing up for what she knew for a fact did belong to her is what has saw her through a valley and unto a mountain top.
LJG and I know that the articles did not get posted as we had planned, but there was a new post each day. No body knew that there were problems on this end, we say this only to let you know that no matter what happens we will do all within our power to continue to do what God has laid on our hearts.
Some of you have told us that this site is important to you and we are pleased by that. This site is even more important to us, it is a source of outreach that we could never have any other way. It feeds us and gives us a purpose, one of many that God has laid on our hearts. The only thing that will stop us is when the Lord tells us stop.
Our prayer for you today: Heavenly Father today bless these Your children, guide us to do Your will. Develop the gifts that you have given each of us and let us use those gifts to the fullest. Help us Lord to react to the actions in our life’s with Your love and strength. Lord open the eyes of those who are not aware of their gifts and the fullness of those gifts. Bless each one who reads this.
God Bless,
I will be happy to share my testimony and it will be ready for ya'll tomorrow. Remember this, "what you claim is what you get." So if you don't want it don't talk it. You won't get nothing you don't want to have. LJG
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