Monday, May 26, 2008



Administration. The special ability to understand the objectives of the church, to organize plans to accomplish those objectives, and to execute those plans in an efficient manner. Acts 6:1-7, I Cor. 12:28, Titus 1:5

Apostle. The special ability to perform a special task or work for the Lord, exercise general leadership over the ministry of the body, which is accepted and appreciated, and speak with recognized authority in spiritual matters. Acts 6:1-6, 13:1-4, 1 Cor. 12:28, 2 Cor. 12:12, Eph 4:11, Gal 2:7-10

Craftsmanship. The special ability to use their hands to make, create, construct and repair whatever is necessary to further the work of the Lord and to bring glory to Him. Ex. 30:22-25, 31:3-11, 1 Chr. 34:9-13, Acts 16:14, 18:3

Discernment. The supernatural ability to tell the difference between gifts that come from the Spirit and those that do not. Acts 8:18-24, 16:16-18, 1 Cor. 12:10, 1 John 4:1-6

Evangelist. The special ability and desire to share the gospel with unbelievers in such a way that they become followers of the Lord JESUS and responsible members of the body. Acts 5:42, 8:4-8, 26-38, 14:21, 21:8, Eph 4:11, 2 Tim 4;5

Exhortation. The special ability to minister words and deeds of comfort, encouragement, and counsel to others in such a way that they feel strengthened and helped. Acts 4:36-37, 11:22-26, Rom. 12:8, 1 Thes. 2:11-12, 2 Tim 4:2, Heb 10:25

Faith. A supernatural endowment that enables the Christian to believe for and expect an extraordinary demonstration of God’s power. Acts 3;16, 11:22-24, Rom. 4:18-21, 1 Cor. 12:9, 13:2, Heb 11

Giving. The special ability to make and cheerfully contribute their material resources without selfish motives to meet the needs of other people and to advance the work of the Lord. Acts 4:36-37, 9:36 & 39, Rom. 12:8, 2 Cor 8:1-15, 9:5-11, 1 Tim 6:17-19

Healing's. A supernatural demonstration of God’s power to heal sickness, injury, and disease. Acts 3:1-10, 5:15, 20:9-12, 1 Cor 12:9 & 28, James 5:14, 1 Pet 2:24

Helps. The special desire and ability to invest their talents in the life and ministry of other members of the body in order that those persons can be more effective in their service for God. Acts 9:36, Rom 16:1-2, 1 Cor 12:28, Phil. 2:24-30, Philemon 11

Hospitality. The special ability to provide a warm welcome to those needing food and lodging, to make people feel welcome and accepted in any situation and to help people get acquainted with others. Acts 16:15, 21:4, 7,8,21, Rom 12:13, 16:23, 1 Tim 3:2, Heb 13:1-2, 1 Pet. 4:9

Intercession. The special ability and calling to make petitions to God on behalf of others on a regular basis, over an extended period of time, which results in specific answers. Acts 12:5-17, 16:25-31, Col 4:12, 1 Tim 2:1-8, James 5:14-16

Interpretation. The ability to state in the language of the hearer the message of one who speaks in tongues. 1 Cor. 12:10, 30, 14:13, 26-28

Knowledge. A revelation of facts or circumstances to an individual that could not be learned from any human source. Acts 5:1-11, 9:11-18, 1 Cor 2:14, 12:8, 2 Cor 11:6, Col 2:2-3

Leadership. The special ability to set goals for the body in accordance with God’s will, to communicate these goals to others, and to motivate them to work together harmoniously to accomplish these goals for the glory of God. Acts 15:7-11, Rom 12:8, 1 Tim 5:17, Heb 13:17

Mercy. The special ability to feel genuine empathy and compassion doe individuals in distressing situations and to translate that compassion into cheerfully done deeds that reflect Christ’s love and alleviate suffering. Acts 5:1-11, 9:27, 36, 16:33-34, Rom. 12:8

Miracles. A supernatural demonstration of God’s power that supersedes the laws of nature. Acts 5:1-11, 9:36-42, 19:11-20, 20:7-12, 1 Cor. 12:10,28

Missionary. The special ability God gives certain members to minister whatever other spiritual gifts they have in a second culture. Acts 9:15, 13:2-3, Rom. 10:15, 1 Cor. 9:19-23, Eph. 3:1-7

Music. The special ability to sing or play a musical instrument in such a way that the body is edified and Jesus Christ is glorified and exalted. 1 Chr. 16:42, 2 Chr. 5:12-13, 34:12, Psalms 101, 150, 1 Cor. 14:26, Eph. 5:18-19, Col. 3:16

Pastor. The special ability to assume a long-term personal responsibility for the spiritual welfare of a group of believers. John 10:11-14, Acts 20:28-32, Eph. 4:11-12, 1 Tim 3:1-7, Heb. 13:20, 1 Peter 5:2-3

Prophecy. The special ability to speak a message from God to the church through a yielded believer given in the language of the speaker and the hearers. Acts 2:14-20, 11:27-28, 21:9, 1 Cor 4:13

Serving. The special desire and ability to identify unmet task-related needs in the body and make use of available resources to meet those needs doing so with a willing and joyful attitude. Acts 6:1-7, 9:36-43, Rom. 12:7, 15:26-33, Gal. 6:10, 2 Tim. 1:16-18

Teaching. The special ability to acquire and communicate spiritual truths relevant to the needs of the body in such a way that others will be motivated to learn and to respond. Acts 2:42, 15:35, 18:24-26, 19:8-10, Eph. 4:11-15, Col. 3:16, 1 Tim 3:2, 2 Tim 2:2, Titus 2:3-5, James 3:1

Tongues. The ability to speak a message from God to the church through the yielded believer given in a language unlearned by the speaker. Acts 2:1-13, 10:44-46, 19:1-7, 1 Cor. 12:10, 28, 14:13-19

Wisdom. A revelation by God to men of a portion of His perfect wisdom that would not otherwise be known. Acts 6:1-6, 15:13-33, 1 Cor 12:8, James 1:5-6

Developing leadership
Training the church
Reaching the community
Reaching beyond to the world

God Bless,


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