Sunday, May 18, 2008


ABOMINATION ~ This word is also used symbolically of sin in general (Isaiah 66:3); an idol (44:19); the ceremonies of the apostate Church of Rome (Revelation 17:4); a detestable act (Ezek. 22:11).

Source: Easton's Bible Dictionary


Have you ever seen the title of something and thought that sounds great, only to read further and think "what the heck." The following title caught my eye and I decided to read more. "I AM WHO I AM, BY GOD'S GRACE."

Sounds interesting, doesn't it. We know who I AM is, but how often do we stop to think that we our self are who we are because of the Grace of God?

I Am Who I Am, is one of the Names of God. I believe it would be okay to say that God is Whom He is because of His own Grace. I Am Who I Am, really that Name says a lot. This is Whom I am, no more or no less. There is One Me, One Way, Take Me as I Am. The Lord does not change.

God's Grace comes into our life's and changes us into whom He would have us to be. God's Grace does not allow us to remain the way we were as a sinner, but changes us, sometimes in the flash of an eye, sometimes slowly over time. He shapes us into the creation that He intended us to be when He created this earth and all that is in it.

Being a sinner we are saved by His Grace. We welcome the changes that He brings into our life, even when it is things we were comfortable with, because we want to line up with who His Word says we are.

The guidelines as to the person we can be in Christ, is completely spelled out in His Word. I might add, we all know, or should know, we are not to add to or take away from His Word.

It is by His Grace that we are changed. Years ago I knew a gentlemen who with a group of others like himself met together to study and share the Word of God. Other local churches did not accept them, because they were known in the community as being gay people. They knew what the Bible said about homosexuals, they knew it was a sin. They had given up that part of their life's, their problem was that churches could not, would not accept that just as they were sinners so where they. As all have problems with sin, some of them had problems in this area of their life's, area churches were not equipped to handle those issues. So they met together, so they would not be judged. Please understand me here they did not try to explain away their past behavior, nor did they try to adjust the Bible to fit in their lifestyles. Open gays were welcomed into the group, in the hope that they could learn that God did love them as they were, but that God did not desire that they stay in this lifestyle.

A sin is a sin, no matter what it is.

There was behavior in my life before I asked the Lord into my life, which was sin. Since I have been saved there has been sin in my life. As I write this there are still areas of my life that need work, and as the Lord reveals it to me I work on those areas. Some things I am aware need work, and then there are things that I am comfortable with that God will tell me, "Girl that has to go." I am a work in process, and very thankful that I can go to Him ask forgiveness and be changed. I can not in good faith take any sin that is in my life and justify it to make it okay.

God does not and will not work that way for any of us. God is a just and righteous God that will forgive us anything that does not line up with His Word, if we have asked Him into our life's and ask forgiveness. He understands and will help us in those areas of our life that do not line up with Him. Do not misunderstand there are some thing's in our life's that He wants us to take the step and give up, but know also that if we do go to Him with a sincere heart He will be there for us each step of the way.

God does not desire that any should continue to live in sin. Is this were we become so comfortable in sin that we accept that which is wrong because we
are lead by those claiming to be right with God that He did create us this
way. Do we love our sin so much that we look for ways to be
comforted in being told that it is okay? This in no way makes that sin
right. Accepting something as right that does not line up with the Word of
God is a sin in itself.

The following was posted in our local paper. Instead of addressing the sin, it is being covered over. We will accept you as you are, and let you stay that way. God accepts you as you are and then changes you to become who you can be in HIM.

Gay and lesbian faith examined
The Jesuit Spirituality Center in Grand Coteau is the site for "I Am Who I Am - By God's Grace," a prayer retreat that focuses on the giftedness and mission of gay and lesbian people of faith. It will be held May 16 and May 17 and will be presented by the Rev. Rusty Shaughnessy and the Rev. Jim Schexnayder.

God Bless,


Blogger Festes said...

I love SIN.I love to SIN and I LOVE living in constant SIN.I don't want GODS forgiveness and i will NOT confess my SINS..

1:20 PM  

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