Monday, June 23, 2008


CARPENTER ~ An artificer in stone, iron, and copper, as well as in wood (2 Samuel 5:11; 1 Chronicles 14:1; Mark 6:3). The tools used by carpenters are mentioned in 1 Samuel 13:19, 20; Judges 4:21; Isaiah 10:15; 44:13. It was said of our Lord, "Is not this the carpenter's son?" (Matthew 13:55); also, "Is not this the carpenter?" (Mark 6:3). Every Jew, even the rabbis, learned some handicraft: Paul was a tentmaker. "In the cities the carpenters would be Greeks, and skilled workmen; the carpenter of a provincial village could only have held a very humble position, and secured a very moderate competence."

Source: Easton's Bible Dictionary

Matthew 13:57 And they were offended in him. But Jesus said unto them, A prophet is not without honour, save in his own country, and in his own house.

Christ repeats His offer to those who have refused them. They said unto Him, Is not this the carpenter's son? Yes, it is true He was said to be so; and no disgrace to be the son of an honest tradesman; they should have respected Him the more because He was one of them, but they despised Him. He did not do many mighty works there, because of their unbelief. Unbelief is one of the great hinderances to Christ's favours.

They looked on Him as a mean, a man of low birth, not worthy of any respect. The reason, He caused them to stumble and led them into the error of their evil ways. The lowness of His family bring Him into contempt: nor can they understand that He, who was before equal with, or below them, should now bear a superior character. Our Lord's long residence in Nazareth merely as a townsman had made Him too common, keeping them from appreciating Him as others did who were less familiar with His everyday ways in private life.

We may wonder that He should speak such words of grace to such graceless people as mankind. Some prejudice often furnishes an objection against the humbling doctrine of the cross; and while it is the word of God that stirs up men's disgust, they will blame the conduct or manner of the speaker. The doctrine of God's sovereignty, His right to do His will, provokes proud men. They will not seek His favour in His own way; and are angry when others have the favours they neglect. Still Jesus is rejected by multitudes who hear the same message from His words today. While they crucify Him afresh by their sins, may we honour Him as the Son of God, the Saviour of men, and seek to show we do so by our obedience.

Let us keep faithful to Him as the Saviour who has made our peace with God.

God's Blessings to each of you,

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