Thursday, July 24, 2008


Good morning faithful readers. As you know we have been down for a week now. Last Tuesday night I told God if it was meant for us to continue doing the sites that the computer would be up and running Wednesday morning, July 16. Well, it wasn't!!!

It is with a tearful and sorrowful heart that I yield to God admitting this season in our life is over. The journey has been so very interesting and wonderful and I do thank God that He allowed me to be a part of this precious period of my life.

To our very special faithful readers, Barbara, Betty, Michelle and Kathy, it has been such a pleasure getting to know each of ya'll. Each of you will be in my heart forever.

God's Blessings to each of you as I wait for God to show me the next interesting and wonderful journey in the next seasons of life.



This is not the end, it is a new beginning.

It has been a pleasure serving the Lord on these sites. This was a part of my journey that started in asking questions as to why we believed what we believed. We have sought to encourage others to pray, seek the Lord and to accept God’s Word as the final and only say concerning your salvation.

As one season closes, I know that the Lord is opening another door for me. The Lord has shown me some of where that door will lead. My Father has always shown me His sense of humor, and with that He has had me laughing at some of what He has shown me. I laugh not at Him, but with Him at some of what He has planned for me that I never would have thought of. As always He knows best.

To each of you, thank you. Those of you that left comments were surely used by God to let me know that someone was reading these sites.

If I have any final words to say it is to seek after a deeper relationship in all ways with the Lord. With that said my final article is below. Enjoy, laugh and think about it.

I remain yours in Christ always. God bless you.


You say you asked the Lord into your life, so what are you doing with Him? Even better what are you letting Him do with you?

WWJD What Would Jesus Do? What would you do that is like Jesus?

Would Jesus have that in His home? Then what are you doing with it in yours?

Jesus made time for everyone who approached Him. Who have you made time for today?

Jesus was never to busy, or tired, or had too much to do. What more could you have done today?

Jesus never said I’ll do it later. What have you postponed today?

Jesus noticed a man in a tree, a woman touching His robe. Who wanted your attention today that you over looked?

Jesus didn’t bring more on Himself then He could bear. What have you brought on yourself today?

Jesus had the freedom to choose. What have you chose?

Jesus knew the entire Bible. How many scriptures do you know?

Jesus loved the Father more then anyone or anything else. Who or what do you love the most?

Jesus scarified it all. What have you gave up?

Jesus fell to His knees in the Garden of Gethsemane. How many times have you slipped and fell, not in prayer?

In Another World the Young and the Restless sought the Bold and the Beautiful. What have you sought?

And with that I will say goodnight John Boy.



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