Sunday, February 07, 2010

Well, lets all of us praise God we have been blessed with another beautiful day

Yesterday, Sunday, January 31, 2010, I was listening to TBN and a preacher by the name of Bayless Something had a good sermon going and then all of a sudden he started to tell this story. “He, Bayless, was in this city preaching and was wondering how his old friend was doing. So he called his friend and they decided to have supper together. Well, this friend a couple of years back had fallen and broke his back in several places and was told in the hospital he would never walk again. That didn’t happen. His church people came, laid hands and God completely healed the friends back. He got up and hollered for his clothes and finally got himself checked out of the hospital. Bayless was so shocked that after these two years his good friend was still healed.” That just plain knocked the breath out of me and I don’t have much but I was in a state of shock. Of course his friend was still healed. God don’t heal one year and then unheal the next. At least the God I serve and trust don’t. That’s just plain stupid to have that kind of mind set.

Here’s another thought that works my last nerve, “I’m just waiting to receive my healing. I’ve asked God and I know He will send it.” Why are you waiting on? Jesus said “By His strips we are healed. Paul said by His strips we were healed.” What in the world are these people waiting for? We are told to go before the throne with boldness and I for one will go boldly up to Jesus’ throne and let Him know, like He don’t know already, that I am taking my healing now. I know that there may be something’s that only comes in God’s own time. I don’t have a problem with that, but not the thing’s He has already says is done and is mine.

We speak what we want. If you speak you are waiting for your healing then you will die waiting for it to get here. When we speak we are healed and don’t let nothing or nobody come against us with a word different than that which we know is true. This last year the doctors learned they weren’t even going to speak words that are against what I believe. I wouldn’t allow it. I told them right quick, I don’t not have nor will I have the big C and don’t ever say that to me again.

So, many of you will say I’m not normal. How right you are. I am not normal but then can you tell me what is normal? Jesus said it, I believe and that settles it.

God’s blessings to each of you,

To all the people of Clay County and looking for a wonderful church to attend, one who practice what he preaches then come on out to Cross Roads Baptist Church located on Baxley Road , right off Blanding Blvd in Middleburg Florida. Come receive your blessing. But then how many are really wanting a blessing these days? Now that is a good thought. Might have to pray on that one.


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