Sunday, April 25, 2010



I think most of us have heard or read about the problems with The National Day of Prayer that has been in the news this week. The problem stems from Franklin Graham having said " he did not believe Muslims were evil because of their faith, but "as a minister ... I believe it is my responsibility to speak out against the terrible deeds that are committed as a result of Islamic teaching." "in 2009 Graham said on CNN, "True Islam cannot be practiced in this country. You can't beat your wife. You cannot murder your children if you think they've committed adultery or something like that, which they do practice in these other countries. ... I don't agree with the teachings of Islam, and I find it to be a very violent religion."

I thought we had freedom of speech in the U.S.A. It seems we do as long as we do not speak about the Muslims or Islam. I am very proud of Focus on the Family, their National Day of Prayer Task Force has pulled out of the event also. I do not understand the comment make by Mikey Weinstein, president of Military Religious Freedom Foundation "This is as bright a day for the U.S. Constitution and freedoms in this country as it is a dark day for the Islamic extremists we're fighting because their propaganda tool has been taken away,"

My problem is this, I do not care how or when you pray or for that matter to whom you pray. I am sure that you proably believe as strongly in what you believe as I believe in what I believe. But leave me along to pray as I wish. Furthermore let us join in groups to pray if that is what we choose to do. You do not have to come, in fact you can come and pray to whom you wish while we pray to whom we wish.

BUT, yes here is my butt, we have many American service people fighting overseas against a country that believes it is okay to kill anyone that does not believe as them. These same people come here and then try to tell us we cannot pray and believe as we want. The very reason you are free to practice your beliefs is what this country was founded on. You want us to stop this NO that is not right.

I am sure if I went to you and showed an interest in learning about your beliefs you would share with me. At the same time if you come to me I will share my Lord with you, I will not at any time try to make you listen to me, or threaten to kill you if you believe otherwise.

So that said if you don't want to be a part of National Prayer Day, stay home. If you do then go. Heck were I live here in Louisiana we have festivals in the name of everything and for every reason you can think of, I do not attend most. It is my choice, and I am glad I have it, oh I might get teased a little about not supporting the local band [whom I work with], or not going to the big event at the local church. But that is my right. Just to let you know the guys in the band that I work with are really nice guys, I am just not into their style of music, they know it and do not expect me to sit for hours and listen to it. As for the church it is not my church, and I will not put money or time into a religion that I do not believe in. Now if there is a Gospel Fest well you can look for me to be there.

Remember the very thing that allows you to do what you are doing in this country is the very thing you are trying to take away.

God Bless Indeed

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