Tuesday, July 06, 2010


He did! He really did! Matthew 28.9 "Just then Jesus met them and said, "Good Morning." okay, you probably thinking "So, He said Good Morning!" Look at this again, think about it, we are talking about JESUS CHRIST, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Who is Worthy of All praise. When we read about a king, an earthly king, when they are approached by common people, they stay silent and wait upon them to shower them with praise or some type of worship. They Stand and Wait to be praise.. not Our King, This scripture proves to me, He is approachable, He spoke to the Women softly compassionately and kindly a sweet "Good Morning." I imagine Him with a smile, a soft tone, just "Good Morning." And indeed it was, I mean, our Savior was Raised from the Dead! There was reason to celebrate, it was A GOOD MORNING IN DEED! And Here Christ presenting to these women and to us, We can approach Him with a mixed up Heart, mixed with Joy and Despair and Confusion, and HE has Hope for us and our Hearts. Jesus Christ our King, Our Lord, Approachable! The Curtain was torn, what are you waiting for? Approach the Throne of Grace, with Holy Boldness and assurance that Our Jesus is waiting with a sweet tone, "Good Morning."


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