Wednesday, July 07, 2010


What is the condition of your heart? Is there a revival taking place in there for Jesus? Are there emotions locked up that you have protected for years? Maybe, your heart is Joyful and Carefree! What is the condition of your heart? Think about it. Is it hard? Is it soft and pink? God can't work in a hard heart. He loves a a plump pink soft heart that He can put His hands into and touch and remold to become more of a heart of Christ. God showed me several years ago, as I started seeking Him deligently, that He was going to have to remove some hard walls I had placed around my heart. Mostly they were there to protect my heart from being broken again and again. See everytime I was hurt I allowed a wall to come up around my heart (picture a fort with its high walls with a gaurd on top of it-scanning for the enemy--See that was my heart's condition) Well, guess what, when the Walls were up, not only couldn't anyone get in, but LOVE couldn't get out, I was angry, sad, depressed, lonely and bitter! The condition of my heart --well --it was destined for Hell! I was destined for a life of sadness. Then Jesus open my eyes to His Love--Real Love---I began to Cry! As I cried, the walls came down. O--not all at once, Jesus still had a lot of work in me to do. (that is why I love Phil 1:6 He will complete the good work in Me which He has begun). Well reconstruction began--first God allowed me to revisit all my passed hurts up close and personal--I remember crying on my knees beside my bed and meditating on Christ in the Garden with Blood as tear drops.You know It is possible--I know my eyes were swollen with purplelish lumps fixing to burst. Then I read in Scripture where God sent an Angel to minister to Jesus, that night. I began to pray ernestly and specifically. God began revealing things in me that needed to GO! Through His Word, and His Holy Spirit, Mental Strongholds began to snap ( I literally heard them break) and with each lie being torn down, I began to feel liberated and Free! The Love of Christ filled my Heart, the walls came down, see God showed me that these walls, were called Attitudes! As these walls came down I began to think differently about things, things that were done to hurt me I no longer kept inside of me, I learned to literally to lay them down at the Feet of Jesus. For years I missed out on so much due to the hardness around my heart, because of the fear of being hurt, I didn't let anyone close to me, therefore I missed out on friendship, compassion, Love and FUN!!! I guess this is Why--it is such a burden fo me for Teenagers to know the Christ I know Now--don't waste half your life shut up inside a Hard Cold Fort of Pain! Always on the defense ready to strike at the first person who comes near, in fear of being hurt. (Realize others are hurting as you are and sometimes you are not on their agenda to attack, theya re simply hurting and in need of a Savior to touch them) Sadly, to day when a person lives like this, not only do They Miss JESUS, they are physicaly hurting their body. Heart Disease, stress and mental anxiety are all Results of the Negative Spiritual Conditions of the Heart. Ou Lord wants us to live in Peace, Love , Harmony, and realize that Trustingi n Him brings us that pefect peace. REalizing that He is our Refuge and High Tower, He is advenger and He is Advocate! Interceding for each one of us before the Father. I encourage you today Lay your heart before Jesus, allow Him to work in your heart. And if You have been down this road as I have, pray for God to protect Your heart, keeping you mindful of others and compassionate for there hurts, and put of the armor of God, the Breastplate of Righteousness will not only portect you, but remind you to stand in God's Righteousness, not to stoop as low as the devil's attacks. But to Stand Stong in the Power of His (God's) might and don't give up. God is working in You, to refine You, to Revive You, and To Use You to reach others with His Pure Love that can only come from Reconditioned heart from the Devine Heart Therapist Himself ---Our Lord God Almighty!

Father, touch the hearts of those who read this today, Father Reveal Your Everlasting Love to Them, Reveal to them Your Mercy that is new everyday. Oh, Lord Thankyou for the Supernatural work you have done in my heart and for what You continue to do until the day of Christ's Return. Father allow our hearts to overflow with Your compassion and Love, and most of all , Your Joy may it oveflow and touch the lives of others bringing them new Hope. Oh, Lod, protect our hearts from the evil one. And Father, know our hearts, forgive us and please continue working in us. To bring you Glory! In Jesus Name. Amen


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