Thursday, May 05, 2011


by rosejones

Years ago there was a commercial about a woman taking a bath with Calgon, saying Calgon take me away!. I am sure in real life the minute she got in that tub, someone would have needed her right then.

I do not believe there is a one of us who has not at some time wanted to just get away. Today was one of those days, the house was so noisy I actually said Lord how can I even think straight to talk to You with all this going on?

The Lord laid Psalm 91:1-2 on my heart. I read while in the back ground the noise continued. Again I said to the Lord, Please give me some peace. The next thing I know I realized all was quite. I got up to check, as a Mom quite can be as alarming as noise, everyone was sleeping.

Praise the Lord. Even now as I reread that scripture I know I am blessed.
I am dwelling/living in the most secret place of the Most High under His shadow, hidden from all that can come against me in this world. I can sing and shout He is my refuge/protection and my fortress/permanent fortification; He is my God, yes Mine. I will trust in Him.

May you abide under His shadow in all you do.

No matter what is going on, if we will but reach out He is there to take our hand and pull us into His embrace.

God Bless

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