Tuesday, May 17, 2011


From time to time LJG and I will share with you the reasons why we do what we do and why we do it the way it is done. It started off as thoughts to ponder that I would leave for LJG on e-mails we would exchange each day. LJG can fine a scripture on anything. Both of us were raised up by Granny's who loved the Lord with all their hearts. The Lord is the love of both our lives. We look to the Bible as the only true Word of God. LJG decided that we should share with others our own lessons and study.

The goal was to encourage others to not accept what they are told to believe about the Bible, but to read, study, pray and let the Lord lead them to the truth about His Word. We hope the following Q&A will help you to better understand us adn what we do.

1. Why do we not give more scriptures? If you know the word of God then you know where to find them in the Bible. If you don't know the Word that well then we will give you the incentive to get in the Word and learn from it.

2. Why do we not go more in depth on some things? We go as far in depth as God leads to go. That leaves the door wide open for you to dig deeper in God's Word to find the answer for yourself.

3.Why should you believe what we write? Now this is a good question. We tell you to question not only others but us. We are believable because our words comes from the one true Word. The Words spoken by our God and His son Jesus. The only people who may have a problem believing are those that don't know or don't want to know what God has said He would and what He said He will do. God's word don't lie. He has promises to all His children and we reap those promises BECAUSE we are obedient to His Word. Are you? Oh yes, we slip, stumble and fall sometimes but our God is there to help us get up and keep going. Yes, we believe He even helps brush the dirt and trash off us so it will take us longer to fall the next time.

Other comments From the very beginning in our writings we have asked for your input, questions, any and all comments will be welcome. Well, wait a minute, let us clarify that last statement. We don't accept trash or filthy words about our God. He is the first love of our life's. If you want answers or help in any way, all you have to do is ask. If you are a new babe in Christ then yes you should have a lot of questions to ask and we are here willing to help show you the way.

LJG--I have been in Church off and on since I was three years old and let me tell you what I learned the other day. Remember Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead AND it was shortly after that His time had come. I got so excited. See it don't matter how long you've been studying God's word there is always something new and amazing just waiting for us to care enough to find.

recj--We love the Lord enough to accept correction that comes from His Word. We love studying and will continue to research until we stand before our Teacher, Jesus Christ.

If you should find where we have made a mistake and prove it in the King James Bible, we will gladly thank you and Praise God for letting you show us the error of our ways so we can correct them. We are all one family. So come and dine with us so we all can feast on the Holy Word of God.

We do what we do for "HEAVEN'S SAKE." What are you doing for "HEAVEN'S SAKE?"

We sign ourselves as LJG and recj not because we are ashamed, but to give God all the glory in what He guides us to write.

God Bless

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