Sunday, May 15, 2011


Thanks to God for a awesome day. We pray that God will in His wisdom bless each one of you today according to His riches and glory for those needs that each of you has in your lifes.

Much is going on in our world and we need to put our focus on Christ. We doubt there is a one of us that does not have desires and wants in our lifes. We need to be sure that we are being obedient to Him in everything. Not always easy to do, but what we should strife for.

Psalm 37:4 Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.

What a promise to give to a child. If we will keep looking to Him, wait and not be anxious, don't worry, oh the things He can and will do for us. Know that He loves you, that He is in fact a mighty God, believe in Him, you will see and be satisified.

God Bless

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