Sunday, August 14, 2011


Real Faith
Tested By Trials
James 1:2-8
July 24, 2011 AM

As we dive into the Book of James…we will notice that he gets right to an issue that is very prominent in all of our lives…the issue is trials!!

The fact of the matter is: Every one of us has gone through…is going through…or will soon go through…some sort of trial.

That may sound disturbing…because we don’t like trials. We don’t like difficulty or adversity in our lives!

And James touches on things that all of us struggle with. And we all certainly struggle with trials.

So how are we supposed to respond to trials…What can we expect from these trials?

As we study the Word of God this morning, I want all of you to get an “A”!
So, if you will pay close attention I will give you four “A’s” this morning!

And each of the “A’s” that I give you will hopefully help us in dealing with trials in our lives and in understanding the purpose of those trials.

Stand and read James 1:2-8…

The first “A” is…

Attitude – 2

What should be my attitude when I encounter a trial in my life?
James tells us exactly how we should respond to trials, but it sounds a little strange to our ears…because he says, “Count it all joy!”

Whether we like it or not, that is the attitude that the Word of God says we ought to have when it comes to trials.

I think most of the time we have the wrong perspective on what true joy really is.
It is not based on our circumstances…but rather it is based on an inner faith and confidence in God.

James is not saying that we ought to stare trials in the face and shout, “Bring it on! I am so ecstatic about the misery and turmoil you’re gonna cause in my life that I can’t wait! In fact, give me a double dose!”

No…we don’t have to rejoice in the trial itself, but rather in what the trial will accomplish in us if we respond to it properly.

If my confidence is in the Lord, then I can have pure joy through any trial.

By the way, anyone who expects the Christian life to be easy is in for a shock!
Over and over again we are told that the Christian will have trials and troubles.

A verse that offers a lot of encouragement for the Christian who is going through troubles and trials

I Corinthians 10:13 – There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.

The proper attitude is to rejoice in the fact that though we have trials, we also have a God who is faithful; and who has control over our trial and will not allow us more than we can bear…He will help us through it!

William Baker said, “Seeing God work in our trials is the purest form of joy, as anyone who has suffered can testify”

So the first “A” is Attitude…but my attitude is helped by the next “A”…

Aptitude – 3

Aptitude has to do with a capacity for learning or understanding something. It is also a readiness to learn something.

James says, “Knowing this…”

There are some things that we need to know about trials…and there are some things that we will learn through trials.

A trial is merely a test of faith. If you study your Bible closely you will see that faith is always tested! Not because God is cruel, but because He is carefully building up strong men and women of faith!

There are All Sorts of Trials
Notice the words “divers temptations” in verse one: Could also be translated as various or multifaceted trials.

You see trials come in many colors, shapes and sizes. We don’t all have the same trials, but we do all have trials.

They Come Unexpectedly, But Not Accidentally
The KJV uses the phrase: “When you fall into”.
That sounds like an accident to me…But if you look closely at the text, you will see that we don’t accidentally “fall into” trials.

There is no indication of accidental trials in this passage. In fact, James says – “When you fall into” not “If you fall into”! The idea is to encounter unexpectedly, not accidentally!

And you might ask, “Well what’s the difference?”
The difference is that while you may not be aware of the trial that is coming…God is aware of it! Therefore it is not an accident! And knowing that should bring us great comfort!

Romans 8:28 – And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

There is a Purpose for Trials
Notice, that he did not say that we should count the trials as joy, but rather God’s purpose in the trial.

“Knowing this that the trying or testing of your faith produces patience”

When you suddenly and unexpectedly fall into or encounter a trial…it may cause some turmoil in your life, but you can be sure that God knows about it, He is able to bring you through it and He will use it for a purpose.

Be honest! Some people are afraid to say that God allows trials in our lives…

But listen friends, I believe in a sovereign God who has complete control of all things! He has the power to prevent or allow trials in my life!

Just ask a man by the name of Job!
Just ask Daniel, Sahdrach, Meshach and Abednego!

God allows trials to come into our lives…and so the question is “why”?

Because God loves us…and He is in the business of conforming us to be more like His Son Jesus. And He is in the business of declaring the glory of His name and the greatness of His power!

The purpose of trials in our lives is to mold us into the people that He wants us to become. So that He can use us for His honor and glory.

No one says we have to like trials and troubles, but when they come may we have the aptitude, the ability to understand and know that God allowed it for a reason and He is working in it to mature our faith. So in that truth we can certainly count it as joy!

Two “A’s” so far here’s the third…

Acceptance – 4

James says, “Let the trial do its work in you”

Don’t resist the trial, don’t run from the trial, don’t collapse in the midst of it, but accept it…and let God work in it and in you!

Everywhere you look in the Bible you find great men and women of God who went through trial after trial…and through those difficulties God matured them and increased their faith and made them into great people of God.

No one wants to be tried and tested, but when we are be patient during the trial know that god is at work.

Look at some of the things that the trials produce:
Joy (2) Inner peace and confidence in the ability of God
Patience (3) Endurance – ability to make it to the end
o “To abide under,” the potential to endure threat without panic “I have been here before and I know exactly what to do.”
Maturity (4) Complete and lacking nothing
o Fully equipped to better serve God
Wisdom (5) Wisdom to trust God (not answers)
o Some believe that when trials come we should ask God why, but I believe James is saying that we should ask God for wisdom to trust Him. (Job’s trials)
o Notice that wisdom must be requested in faith. The whole process is a test of faith which requires an exercise of faith.
Stability (6-8) Not tossed to and fro but grounded
o When a trial comes the double-minded man wants to trust, but he is tortured with doubt. His faith is weak, probably due to a lack of spiritual disciplines in his life.
Humility (9-11) The poor & the rich need to trust God
o The brother of low degree will realize that though he is poor in this world, he has spiritual wealth.
o While the rich will realize that though he has wealth in this world, it is all passing away and all he really has is spiritual wealth.
Rewards (12)
o When we endure these tests of faith we are blessed in this life and the next. We shall receive the crown of life

Ask – 5

Notice that it says “If anyone lacks wisdom, let him ask of God”

There is a difference between knowledge and wisdom. Knowledge is information or facts. Wisdom is the ability to properly use the knowledge that you have.

James tells us that it is proper for us to make such a request for wisdom…The Lord will not reproach us for asking and He promises to liberally give us wisdom.

Why do we need wisdom when we are going through trials? Why not ask for strength,
or grace, or even deliverance?

For this reason: We need wisdom so we will not waste the opportunities God is giving us to mature. Wisdom helps us understand how to use circumstances for our good and God's glory.

But there is a proper way to ask for it…notice verse 6 – Ask in faith, not wavering!


The Bible never asks us to seek ways to escape our trials, it never instructs us to run from our trials, but it teaches us to allow God to take us safely through them. In doing so, we understand that God wants to work in and through the trails of life to bring us to maturity as believers and to give us greater blessings in eternity.

Turn to I Corinthians 10:13 – “Way of escape” This literally means a way out. In the Greek this term was used to describe a landing place for a a safe harbor.
God doesn’t take us out of the tempestuous seas, but He safely guides us through them, helping us to endure (“bear it”) and enabling us to land intact on the other side.

Will you count it pure joy when you encounter unexpected trials or tests?
Saying, “I don’t know what I will do, but Lord You are with me and I know You will guide me safely through.

Senior Pastor John Sweat, Sr
Crossroads Baptist Church
1595 Baxley Road
Middleburg, Florida

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