Tuesday, August 09, 2011


Many years ago on a family trip we passed a old wooden church, on the grounds were divided into two groups men on one side and women on the other. These beautiful saints of God were washing each others feet. It was one of the most enlighting forms of fellowship I have ever seen. To this day I have never witnessed it again. How sad, some of the traditions from the Bible that many have seemed to have been forgotten. Christ washed the feet of His disciples, yet we cannot find time in our worship to humble ourselves and wash our brothers and sisters feet. How much more so to do it to a stranger. Years later I was sitting outside a store on my break when a young lady walked up. She was talking on her cell fone and it was apparent her feet were hurting. She sat down a little way from me and took off one shoe, flecking her foot. I reached over and took that foot in my hands and began to massage it. When I finished with one I did the other. She is still on the fone telling the person 'you will never believe what is happening to me'. All I said to her is you look like you need it. How true, she had been standing on her feet all day doing hair. When I think back on that day I believe that she will remember that one day someone saw she had a need and rubbed her feet.
When is the last time you reached out and touched a stranger? Not expecting anything in return? Doing the unexpected for someone. When did you last touch a stranger?

God Bless

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