Thursday, November 17, 2011


In the Old Testament the Hebrew word used when speaking of the Spirit, ruwach, pronounced roo’-akh, means wind, even the wind associated with a Breathe. The New Testament Greek word pneuma, pronounced pnyoo’-mah is used which means Breathe or a Breeze. We can think of the Holy Spirit as the Breathe of God.

The Holy Spirit is omnipotent, Luke 1:35; omnipresent, Psalms 139:7; omniscient, 1 Corinthians 2:10; eternal, Hebrews 9:14; equal, Acts 5:3-4. The Holy Spirit is intelligent, has knowledge, has His own will, He makes decisions, and He loves. Furthermore He teaches, He tells the truth always, He guides, He convinces, He prays for you [Romans 8:26-27], He commands.

To think He lives inside each one of us, but how many of us spend time with Him, as we should. He is the Breathe of God living inside of each one of us. Remember when we were alive to the world and dead to Christ; now with His Breathe [the Holy Spirit] living inside of us, we are alive.

The comforter to always guide us in all areas of our lives, and this is made possible by us communicate with Him every day, all day, of our entire life’s.

We need to be responsible to embrace each part of our Lord God. Three titles that He goes by, God the Father, Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit. Three titles, one Supreme Being. None before, none since. Only His titles, which show us the different aspects of His Eternal Being.

God Bless


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