Thursday, November 10, 2011


"Very Best Friend Forever"

LJG is my BBF[Best Friend Forever] and I am her's. We are there if we know the other needs us. We encourage each other, listen to the other dump [talk in detail about all our worries], cry over IM's and emails. We also tell each other the truth even when it hurts. After all that is what BBF are for. Our relationship has spanned over 45 years. That is a long time. Even though we were apart for years when we met again we picked up right where we left off. We share alot in common besides the articles we write and put out. We also share something else a VBFF.

Our VBFF is closer to us then we are to each other. When we are not there, He is. When the computer is down, when we are not home, when we are tied up with other things, He is always there.

This is the relationship we are suppose to have with the Holy Spirit. He is there for us to talk to and share everything. The problem is not to many Pastors teach us to have this relationship with Him. He is called the Comforter for a reason. Jesus told us that one would come after Him, to be with us. And He is, most of us don't talk to Him or know how to. The Holy Spirit is our VBFF.

Now if you have not been having a relationship with Him, it is easy. Just talk to Him like you would to your BBF. The difference is He is always there. He will not force Himself on you, but will be there whenever you call.

There is a difference in God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, they are all though titles for the One True Living God. Next week we will share what those are. For now we encourage you to go have a talk with Him. And be sure to listen, he will talk to you also.

God Bless

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