Thursday, December 01, 2011


Watching a group speaking in Spanish in a chat room, it struck me as odd when out of the blue someone typed in "English Please."

Being an American living in America we do believe English should be our first language. At the same time when a group is speaking or writing in their native language what right do we have to say 'English please' unless they are speaking to us or we have a question for them.

Whatever does this have to do with the Bible? When we become a Christian the Bible becomes a part of our life Whether we have read the Bible all our life's or glanced briefly, the Bible changes when we ask the Lord into our life's. Now we are to have a new first language-the Bible.

Mind you the Bible should be our first not second language. Living in the world we think with our head, living for Christ we are to think with our Hearts.

Romans 12:2 tells us to renew your mind. With any new language it is awkward to begin with. As we read, study, and grow in the Lord, soon our language will be as the Lord's. Full of wisdom and knowledge.

God Blessed

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