Sunday, December 09, 2012


We love the Lord first and foremost. When it comes to our Savior we are not nor will ever be worldly correct. It is not our place to judge others, that is one of God's jobs, we intend to leave it to Him. Neither though will we agree with those that say a sin is not a sin. What we do believe in, stand for, and speak about is God's Word is the Truth. To not agree with Him does not make Him wrong, He is always right. To look at a man and say he is a hunk, is not a sin, but to lust after him is. To admire my neighbor's auto's is okay, to covet them is a sin. The basic ten commandments covers most everything. As Christians we are to grow in the Lord, which means bringing our thoughts and beliefs in line with His Word. Not changing it to please us, or make our life more comfortable. A sin is a sin. An excuse does not make it right. God is a God that does not change. He does not look down on this earth He created and say "Times they are changing, what I said in the past does not stand anymore. I the Lord shall change the Laws that govern the unrighteous and the ways that My Son taught to the righteous." No that is not going to happen. What He said in the beginning still stands today. You can believe as you choose. We choose to look back and see what He did in the Old Testament to those that lived for themselves instead of Him. Just because He sent His Son does not mean that those that sin will go unpunished. Open your eyes and see what is in front of you, call a sin a sin. Look at the price He paid for you, yes you. Do you realize that Jesus was God in the flesh? Yes God loved you so much that He came to earth as a man so that you could choose to be free and live for Him. Not so you could change His word to make yourself happy. If you love the Lord enough to stand up for His beliefs and not your own, say Amen. God Bless recj/LJG

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