Wednesday, May 15, 2013


It is easy to look around and see people that have experienced worst then us and yes easier then us.  We have each traveled steps in life where we have failed, stood tall, ran the race and lost and won.  Every step we have taken has formed us into who we are this very day.

God tells us in His Word that He knew us before we were born {Jeremiah 1:5} .  He shares with us how He knows the number of hairs on our head {Luke 12:7} . Why is it possible for someone whose life has been filled with tragedy to have a smile on their face?  The child with no parents grow up to be a valuable member of society?   While at the same time we see those with tragedy or no parents grow up to drugs, go to prison and usually blaming someone else.  

Every step we take has formed us into who we are this day, today.  We have made a choice to do right.  We have chosen to stand on the Lord's Word that He will not put more on us then we can bare.  

But wait, what of those who never mention God, who thank their inner being, some earthly human, less I forget to mention those who do thank god for their talent, while singing about explicit acts of sex with many others, using drugs, etc..  Our God we think no.  God does give the talent, it is up to us how we use it, what god we choose to use that talent for.

We are speaking of those who do have a intimate relationship with the Lord.  These are able to use the mistakes they learned from, to reach out to others going through the same mistakes.  They do not say the devil made me do it, they accept responsibilities for what they have walked through, that God Almighty gave them strength to get out of that mess.  And they are stronger for it.

Every step we take.  Every walk we have made has brought us to a place we can thank, yes thank God for not only getting us through it, but for Christ never leaving us nor forsaking us.   We can smile and be a valuable member of society.

This is another reason we need strong men and women of God preaching and teaching the truth, not a pack of lies that yes, we will say it, lead people straight into hell.  Yes God will love you enough to let you do what you want to do all the way to hell.

We need to hear the truth as we have never heard it before.  A truth, the only truth that will set all free. That truth is the true Word of God. Not those that tell us the steps we are taking are okay, cool, are the way god made us.  All the way to hell, no!

Are we to blunt?  We fear not.  Every step we take brings us closer to heaven or hell.   

Every step we take!  The choice is free.  

God Bless


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