And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.
– Colossians 2:15 (NIV)
Today’s commentary
by Dave Whitehead, Senior Pastor, GraceNYC.orgThe cross was God’s deathblow upon death. From that moment onward death was not the end of the story for us, but resurrection life offered to those who see Jesus as God’s answer to our sin and pain. How did He make a public spectacle of His victory? By opening the eyes of the Roman centurion who nailed him to the cross, by empowering a ragtag group of Jewish dissidents to become the church and by gripping our hearts and minds today to this amazing realization – Jesus is alive and wants to redeem his creation. Jesus’ victory on the cross marches on!
by Dave Whitehead, Senior Pastor, GraceNYC.orgThe cross was God’s deathblow upon death. From that moment onward death was not the end of the story for us, but resurrection life offered to those who see Jesus as God’s answer to our sin and pain. How did He make a public spectacle of His victory? By opening the eyes of the Roman centurion who nailed him to the cross, by empowering a ragtag group of Jewish dissidents to become the church and by gripping our hearts and minds today to this amazing realization – Jesus is alive and wants to redeem his creation. Jesus’ victory on the cross marches on!
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