Forgiveness can sometimes be difficult and seem almost rotten to have to do, but the wonder of forgiveness is what it does for us.Forgiveness releases us from the bondage of anger and the shackles of hatred. Forgiveness helps free us of resentment and envy.Resentment, bitterness and loathing block so much of our love and joy. Carrying any amount of anger for a long time pulls us down until the burden is so extreme we have difficulty moving ahead. There are many negative emotions which ultimately leave us feeling as if we are hauling a physical burden. Strangely though we seem to realize this, oft times we continue to carry them around.
And when we tote resentment, jealousy, anger or hatred around, we can not love as freely and easily and our joy seems elusive, hard to find!I have had three times in my life where I carried anger and once even looked for revenge for a prolonged period and every time I was the one who suffered. My anger always hurt me. There I was dwelling on revenge so much so that I had little time for joy-filled times.On the last occasion when I gave up my burden and turned it over to God, He showed me exactly where the anger and emotional build-up had been residing in my body and he allowed me to feel and see it being lifted out as he removed it. This was a most wondrous moment. As the dark feelings were taken away, I could see and feel a brilliant light filling me. The message was clear and perfect in every way. “Light and love cannot live where darkness, resentment, or anger reside.”
That was a glorious day and as time moves along and I look back, I appreciate more and more the astonishing gift I received.
If an offer were made to remove the feelings of hatred, rage and resentment, I am certain no one would vote to keep the heavy, dark feelings! I think once we have experienced the dismal and depressing feelings that becomes ours due to anger, envy, resentment and/or hatred, most of us would immediately say, “Yes, please take this out of me right now!”
When we forgive that is exactly what happens. A dark mass lifts from within us. We feel a lightness and the ability to give and receive love becomes pronounced and definite. Then, thankfully, there is more room to love and experience happiness!
We will be blessed as we forgive!
That was a glorious day and as time moves along and I look back, I appreciate more and more the astonishing gift I received.
If an offer were made to remove the feelings of hatred, rage and resentment, I am certain no one would vote to keep the heavy, dark feelings! I think once we have experienced the dismal and depressing feelings that becomes ours due to anger, envy, resentment and/or hatred, most of us would immediately say, “Yes, please take this out of me right now!”
When we forgive that is exactly what happens. A dark mass lifts from within us. We feel a lightness and the ability to give and receive love becomes pronounced and definite. Then, thankfully, there is more room to love and experience happiness!
We will be blessed as we forgive!
…..Ellie Braun-Haley (milady@evrcanada.com) by way of “Christian Voices” (ChristianVoices@att.net)
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