Thursday, July 04, 2013


Whose Righteousness: Mine or God's?

Romans 10:3
Since they did not know the righteousness that comes from God and sought to establish their own, they did not submit to God's righteousness.

Years ago when I first entered the business world, I had a conversation with my Dad about some things my boss had asked me to do that were outside of my "job description". My Dad asked, "What did you say? Did you do what he wanted?" I answered, "Well, that's why I'm calling, I remember what you said about the only right answer was, 'Yes sir!' So that's what I said. Did I do the right thing?" My Dad said, "Absolutely. Everyone else argues or is resentful. If you differentiate yourself by always being willing to do whatever is asked and more, you will go far in business." My Dad was right. Within six months I was promoted to branch manager.

My Dad's advice has served me well in my Christian faith as well. Often when the Lord calls upon me, I hear those words: "Anyone can argue or resist, but who will answer -- Yes, Lord?" All too often we try to establish our own righteousness and forget God's. We think that what we do is right and good enough. Yet, if we don't know God's righteousness, how can we submit to it? What is God's righteousness? It's not a "what" but a "who". That's the mistake Israel made. They went zealously after the Law, and forgot God is interested in us personally. It's why He sent His Son Jesus to die for us. He doesn't require rituals or endless tasks to complete, rather He offers Himself -- His life in exchange for ours.

In business I served to get ahead. I serve Christ not to gain favor or special privileges, but out of love. I love Him because He first loved me. The result is I choose to submit to God's righteousness. Not because I have to. I want to.

Paul tells us Israel did not know God's righteousness so they tried to establish their own. Whose rules for righteous living do you think are more difficult, judgmental, or punitive? Man's or God's? God knows we wouldn't and couldn't get it right so He exchanged His perfect righteousness for our sin. I am so relieved. Now I can guiltlessly answer in love, "Yes Lord," whenever he calls. Do you? When was the last time God spoke to you? Have you been in His Word lately? Do you seek His will regularly in prayer?


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