In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. For the next seven days He created water with oceans, rivers, lakes and ponds. He created trees of many kinds, flowers beyond belief, some still just being discovered. He created animals big and small, including your loving cats and dogs. He created even the insects, that can be so bothersome. Then He created the beginning of you and me by creating Adam and Eve. And He stood back after 6 days and on the 7th rested and said 'It is good'.
We have enjoyed all He has created and yet for many they give no thanks to the Creator. Every step we take is because of Him, not because you made your self get up. Every sky you see, is not because you choose to look up. The river or lake that you enjoy so much is not there because you and your family decide to have a wonderful weekend. The flowers you grow so lovingly in your back yard, no they wouldn't be there without him. And that precious cat or dog in your lap or at your feet, again just because He did it. So today as you go about your thing, take a few minutes to think about His thing. Creating a world for you to live in so freely and loving Him above and beyond all you can see, hear or smell.
God Bless
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