Tuesday, September 24, 2013


BlindnessBlindness (Photo credit: Community Eye Health)

Let me begin today’s lesson with a question to each one of you, and the question is this, “Are you suffering from a physical blindness or perhaps from spiritual blindness?”  Our lesson today will take you deep into the heart of these two types of blindness and show you what happens when a beggar hears that Jesus is passing by and he yelled out to the Lord and asked the Lord this question, he said, “LORD LET ME RECOVER MY SIGHT?”  And Jesus said to him, “Recover your sight; your faith has made you well. (Luke 18:41-42 ESV)
As Jesus and the disciples traveled towards Jerusalem, they approached Jericho and sitting beside the road was a beggar who was blind and disabled.  When the blind man heard that Jesus of Nazareth was going by, he shamelessly cried out for Jesus’ attention.  He called Son of David,” a title for the Messiah.  This means that the blind man understood Jesus to be the long awaited Messiah.  The crowds tried to hush the man, perhaps trying to keep Jesus from being harassed by beggars.  But that only made the blind man more persistent.
Any normal human being, heading toward certain death, would be extremely preoccupied and probably not necessarily in the mood to help others.  But Jesus did not reject the man as the crowd had done.  He ordered that the man be brought to him, and then asked him to voice his request.  The man replied unhesitatingly, “I want to see!”  How many times in his life had he voiced that desire?  Probably thousands, But here he stood before the one person in the universe who could actually make his desire a reality.  And he would not have asked if he had not believed that it could be so.
Jesus recognized the man’s faith.  As a result of such faith, Jesus healed him.  All Jesus did was speak the words and instantly the man could see.  He immediately joined the crowd of followers, staying with Jesus, and praising God.  This was also the response of the people in the crowd.  There were no healings of the blind recorded in the Old Testament, so the Jews believed that such a miracle would be a sign that the messianic age had begun.  Jesus healed other blind people as well, so these people knew something special was happening.  A poor and blind beggar could see that Jesus was the Messiah, and the crowds understood that God was to be praised for such miracles.  But the religious leaders who saw his miracles were blinded to his identity and refused to recognize him as the Messiah.
When we come into the full knowledge and power of understanding that our sickness and diseases are curable through our faith in Jesus, and although we may be spiritual blind just like these religious leaders were, our eyes can be open by our faith in Jesus and we can see the glory of the Lord.  Let us praise God for his mighty works through his son Jesus for opening the blind man’s eyes when the blind man yelled out to Jesus with these words, “LORD LET ME RECOVER MY SIGHT?”  And Jesus said to him, “Recover your sight; your faith has made you well. (Luke 18:41-42 ESV)  Isn’t God good?  In everything you do this day, everyplace you go, and with every person you come in contact with, you ought to greet them with these words, “GOD IS GOOD!”  Let there be no shame in your game, speak truth to power, in the name of Jesus, AMEN!




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