Let us take a short time and quietly sit down on the floor and cross our legs in the yoga position, place your hands palms up on your knees. Breathe slowly in and out through your nose. With your eyes closed we will now look into our own personal inter being, our conscience. Focus all your own attention on this point inside yourself. Now as you get light-headed and your legs begin to cramp, scream ‘heck to the NO’ and get up off your butts.
Let’s get to the reality of this. We have a God who has told us to call Him by the Name of Jesus Christ. He has told us that He is the only way to be saved, by no other Name or way do we get to Him. Furthermore I can not find one place in scripture in His Book, The Bible, where I need to get on my knees, lay prone on the floor, certainly not at certain times, and not facing a certain way. While He has given us guidelines in how to pray, He has never said 'Prayer has to be done this way.’
There are thousands of books that can lead us, study classes that can help us: if they do not use scriptures from His Book, forget it. He wants us to grow and strengthen ourselves in Him, and yes there are a number of good books, but we have to be careful. LJG and I do post on here from time to time, but it bears repeating, do not take any man’s word for fact. Read and study the Bible, pray and seek the Lord, question why you believe what you believe. Question what you have been raised to believe. Our churches today have to big a hold on traditions and habits. We have churches that are built on rules and regulations, instead of on the Word of God.
We allow our selves to watch programs that are in reality planting seeds of dis-truth into our life’s. We are listening to men and women that are promoting self and selfish ideas and not the True Word of God. These are not necessary preachers, pastors or those even calling themselves such. They do include people that say they are 'Christians’.
Let me pause here and show you the definition of that word : Christianity is the world's largest so-called religion and is made up of many different sects or denominations. While these sects have very different modes of worship and governing bodies, and claim to be Christian, they all do not share the common belief that Jesus of Nazareth as presented in the New Testament books of the Holy Bible was God's son and came to redeem man of his sins.
We will now list those churches that call themselves Christian:
The largest group is Roman Catholicism.
There are two branches of Orthodox Christianity -- Eastern and Oriental.
Protestantism is made up of many denominations with a wide theological range from conservative to liberal.
Pentecostals do not normally consider themselves to be Protestants and that includes various Pentecostal churches such as Assembly of God, Church of God and Holiness, etc.
There are a number of other Christian denominations that are considered by most people to be protestant, but the churches themselves are not always receptive to being called protestant. These include the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons), the Jehovah's Witnesses, and Christian Science, etc.
Being ‘Christians’ to many of us does not include many of those groups listed above. At one time I did an article that did in fact did list Muslims as Christian, when researching churches that claimed to be Christian.
It is sad that in this day and age it might not be a good idea to be called a “Christian’ because it defines so many groups that in fact do stray greatly from what the Bible does teach. Mainly because they have added man’s teachings, beliefs, traditions, doctrine’s, personal feelings, desires, and the list continues.
What we have to remember is that we have to, no maybe’s about it, line up with His Word. God does not change His Words to make us happy, we have to change to His Word to be fully happy. If God says it, it is a fact,and He is not going to change. Just because we do not agree with Him does not make us right, we will be wrong all the time.
We can try all the New Age ways of getting in touch with our selves, but until we get in touch with Christ Jesus, we are wallowing in a pig pit leading to hell.
Jesus said it, we believe it, that settles it; if you have your eyes opened to the Truth and are not seeking Him in the ways of the world.
God Bless
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