Wednesday, October 09, 2013


Today is the day the Lord has made, let's be glad and rejoice in it. Lord, I thank you for the victory, you daily load me with benefits.

Isn't this a great way to start your day?

Sure beats, oh brother, what's today going to bring. What's going to happen now. 
I know the enemy seems to always attack us when we are down and we have to fight him with the word.

So the next time you wake up and you start to feel anxiety, pressure, doubt, negativity, etc..  stop, take a deep breath, fix your eyes upon heaven, and speak this out..

Today is the day the Lord has made, let's be glad and rejoice in it. Psalm 118:24

Lord, I thank you for the victory, you daily load me with benefits. Psalm 68:19

And even if you wake up feeling like you are on top of the world, still a great first words to speak out.
Then get some good praise and worship music playing and realize our prayer is 24/7 with God. He is there throughout our day so no matter how busy you get, you can always take a few minutes and talk with Him. 
As I am typing this, I just had a flashback on something I "used" to do and starting today, I am going to start to implement this.

Praise Breaks

It's where you take a few seconds, stop, and say Oh God I love you, I praise you, you are my everything.  Just express what is in your heart with praise and thanksgiving.

Simple, right?  Sometimes we just a need a little reminder to keep things simple. :)
I know how buys our days can become, seems like we can go non-stop from the minute we get up to the minute we go to bed so by doing these simple things, it helps keeps the day in perspective and to realize our heavenly Father is with us at all times.

This leads me into this weeks theme, Prayer.

I will start off by article, 

Prayer Secret #1 - Your Personal Relationship With God the Father
From Mike...This the #1 secret for being able to get more of your personal prayers answered by God the Father. This particular secret is the first step you will need to take before you can expect to have any kind of major success in your prayer life with God the Father.

Read more:

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