Saturday, October 14, 2006


Luke 6:37, Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive (others) and ye shall be forgiven.

How well do we know our faults? In some they are known real well. In others they aren't and they don't want to know them. It is so easy to walk around in a "holier than thou" attitude, with nose in the air, to think "we would never do that." No, you are right, you may never have the same faults as others or do as they do. BUT, have you ever stopped to think that you do the same things only in your own ways? Oh yes you do. I do. Sometimes the boulder gets so big in our own eyes that we can't or won't see the splinter in another's eye. What a shame on us.

We sometimes think that by giving or asking for forgiveness makes us weak. I disagree. It takes a mighty strong, big person to say, "I'm sorry please forgive me." It's a lil ole weak person that won't forgive. How many times do we go to God to ask for forgiveness? Does He hold it back from us? Of course not. So, what do we do? Oh we are so righteous that we have the right to withhold forgiveness, or so we think. We walk around thinking and telling everybody, "I just want you to know what so and so has done to me." Whose business is it anyway besides God, you and the person you won't forgive? Nobody's that's who.

Who knows us best, besides God? Isn't it our family and really close friends? Only a family member or friend that knows their own faults well enough can forgive you yours. We withhold forgiveness and love from those who have hurt us because we can. Love is one of the riches blessing from God and brightens our whole life and world.

Ever wonder what it would be like if God didn't forgive and love us? Sometimes we aren't able to say the words, maybe because we are too afraid of opening up old wounds. So, we try to find other ways of throwing out the Olive branch. Then we pray that the person or persons will pick up the Olive branch and go with it. Is that the right way? Probably not, but it is better than nothing. What and where is your Olive branch? Find it and use.

Whose examples are we following by not forgiving and loving those who love and know us best?

God's blessings to each of you,


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