Thursday, April 12, 2007


Did you take some time to think on that question? When is the last time you really ministered to the Lord? What exactly is it to minister?

If you were going to a friend or neighbors to minister to them, you probably know what to do. You would go with words of encouragement, and comfort. You might take some food or invite them out for a relaxing meal away from home. And somewhere in that visit you would quote some scripture and pray. But the Lord, I mean what can you say to Him to minister to Him?

Looking at the psalm we find many worship and praise psalms that lift up the Lord. You can use them as a guideline. We also know that singing praises to the Lord is a way the prophets of old and the people would minister to the Lord. Fasting and spending time without interruptions with the Lord also ministers to God.

Fasting by the way is not just giving up food. It can be doing without something that is important to you. Not reading the newspaper, giving up the television, anything that we sacrifice to be closer to God is a form of fasting. It is in denying ourselves of pleasure that we can fast.

Ministering to the Lord is not coming to Him about yourself or anyone else. It is going to Him and first asking forgiveness for any sins we have committed, so we can enter into His presence. Then it is telling Him how awesome He is, thanking Him for knowing Him, for the sun, the rain, and the very breath we take. It is in telling Him how wonderful He is, that we minister to Him. Even the angels stand around and sing praises to Him.

So today take some time and tell Him just how much He means to you. Your entire day will go better. And let us know, we want to hear from you.

God Bless


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