Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Comes through prayer.

So did you think on the question I left you with yesterday? What came to your mind? Do you see where you need to do some rethinking about your prayers, and your actions? Good, I hope!

When we have decisions to make, we are to pray. Let your time alone with God set the agenda for your life.

Acts 13:2 As they were ministering to the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for Me Barnabas and Saul for the work that I have called them to.”

God has set aside a work for each of us. We are all called to do something. And it is only through prayer and fasting that we can find what that calling is. Where our talent is, is not always where our calling is. T.D. Jakes thought that he was to minister in music. God had a different plan for him. Though he did start out in music God lead him to His plan, and today Jakes is reaching many souls for Christ, with books, movies and preaching.

Yesterday I left you with a question, today I do the same. What is God’s plan in your life? Are you on the road to God’s will? Prayer and fasting, they are the way to find out what you are suppose to be doing.

Now I want you to go back and look at that scripture again, what were they doing when the Holy Spirit spoke to them? They were ministering to the Lord. When is the last time you ministered to the Lord? Just food for thought.

God Bless


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