Saturday, April 07, 2007


We are asking you to please take a few minutes out of your busy day and picture in your minds eye a very sorrowful scene. First, we see his innocent man. A man who has been spending His time going round the cities, preaching and healing. Bestowing love and blessings on all who would receive them. No, He didn't come to the rich and famous. He came to the poor, the harlots, the lepers, to all whom the world looked down on. Second, we see Him in the Garden, praying so hard He was sweating drops of blood. Third, we see Judas giving Him the kiss of betrayal, taken by the Soldiers to be judged all during the night. Being rejected by people, even by Peter. Fourth, we see Him beaten with a whip. This whip was one that would rip the skin off the body, a crown of thorns on His precious head, carrying His cross on His back up, yes up, the road to a place called the Skull. Can't ya'll just see Him falling every few steps? Can't ya'll imagine just how tired He must be? Fifth, we see Him nailed to His cross. Praying to His Father during this time of pure tormenting agony. Trying to take a breath and not being able to. Being nailed to a cross will not allow you to take a good breath, so you are actually smothering to death. Sixth, we see Him commanding the care of His mother over to His beloved disciple, John. Seven, we see Him say, "into Your care I command My Spirit." By doing this He willed Himself to die.

So, ya'll think that nobody has ever done anything worth while for you, think on these things and read the Bible to see just how much Someone did do for each of us who will receive Him.

God's Blessings to each of you,


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