Monday, April 09, 2007


Well Easter is over, boiled eggs are in the fridge waiting to be mashed into egg salad sandwiches. Outfits will be hung up for the next fancy church day. The children are out of school for a week, so child-care is needed, another added expense you didn’t need. Yes, Easter is over and what is missing?

Bones, there are no bones left to be found. We take a glance at other religions and what do we find, bones. Islam, the Muslin religion, founder Muhammad is buried under the floor of the room he died in, in Madinah. Buddha, whose real name is Siddhartha Gautama was cremated and the relics placed in monuments. Sri Lankais is where his right tooth is kept. I like the Hindu best; they don’t even claim a god. The Hindu religion does not claim any one prophet, nor does it worship any one god. It can best be described as simply a way of life and nothing more.
But what stands out is there are bones. These people, the founders of these religious orders, have bones. And the relics are still here.
My God walked this earth and died for all of us. He left nothing phyiscal behind. He sent the Comforter to us that ask, but no bones. He is risen. That is a claim that others have made, but they all left their bones. Jesus rose completely, He left no bones behind.
Yes, Easter is over and though we might have leftovers in the ridge, we have no bones. No bones to show that He was here, or to have us believe that he simply died. No bones which shows us that He was different. He is the only one who said He would die and rise again and did.
No bones about it, Jesus was real. The one and only real God.
God Bless



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