Thursday, April 12, 2007


Will you rob yourself?

Malachi 3:8 “Will a man rob God?”

Earlier today my brother in the Lord and I were talking about the fact that our loved ones had made us mad. We didn’t go into any details, just the fact that we were mad at them. Tonight as I sit here trying to work the Lord gave me that scripture and then said, “Would you rob yourself?” Now that got me to thinking and by being mad at my child I was robbing myself of blessings.

Wait a minute, I would not stand by and let anybody rob me without doing nothing. Here I am basically saying rob me. I ponder on this for a bit. Said ouch, because when the Lord corrects us and we know better it hurts. Then my brother came to my mind. He works across the street from my house, so I couldn’t shake the feeling to let him know.

Now he is a barber so I wrote it down so if he was cutting hair I could just slip it in his pocket for him to read later. But as we all know God has plans that we don’t. I told him remember what we were talking about earlier, he said yes. I said well God gave this to me and you came to mind so I wrote it down for you. Well he stopped cutting hair and toOk it out of his pocket and started reading. He looked at me and said I sure did need this earlier.

He reacted the same way I did. Neither of us would ask someone to rob us. I told him go home and love your wife. He said oh yes he would.

It doesn’t matter how long you walk with the Lord, we are all human and need reminders sometime. I found it amazing we were going through the same thing at the same time. We were there for each other. And that is what Christians are suppose to do, be there for each other.

I just wanted to share this with you today. To let you know LJG and I are human, we make mistakes. That is why we have such a strong bond. We are there for each other. Everyone needs someone at times. And we are here for you. You don’t have to give your name; you can just leave a message.

And don’t rob yourself of what belongs to you. Ask God to forgive you and forgive the one that hurt you.

God bless


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