Sunday, June 03, 2007


He has been in the news this week because of the dedication of the Billy Graham Library. You can go to the site and get a got of information about his life story and those around him. Today I want to share my personal thoughts on this great man of God.

Growing up, my grandmother would watch him every time he was on television. I, being young and dumb, had no use for the man. Oh the things we learn as we get older.

I think I was in my middle forty’s when I first listened to Billy Graham, because of his son Franklin. I could relate to Franklin, as he also was a rebel growing up. But in looking at the son, I had to look closer at the parents. This is when I came to respect Billy Graham.

Billy Graham is a man, a human being just like any of us. What he did, any of us are capable of doing. He has spent his life sharing the love of Christ. Oh, we can say that is the side he shows to the public. True, we do not know what goes on in secret. The scriptures say that a tree is known by its fruit. The same is true of a man, we are known by our fruits.

There are few people that are known for works such as these. I can think of Paul and Jan Crouch only who have reached out on this level.

How hard is it to show love to everyone? In the flesh quite hard to walk in love. In the Spirit, quite easy. It is by living a life of seeking to know and have a relationship with Christ that it is possible.

When asked what he would do different in his life, if he could do it again, or change anything, Mr. Graham said study and pray more. Here is a man who is after God’s on heart, saying spend more time with the Lord. Oh can any of us declare that we have spent enough time with God? I doubt it is possible.

Have you ever lain before the Lord until you could go no more? When is the last time you talked to God about Himself and not mentioned anything else? How much time do you usually spend telling God how wonderful he is?

This is what Billy Graham brings out in me. We are not all called to preach as he does. But each of us have a calling on our life’s. God wants us to share His good news with all. It might be the bagger at your local grocery store, or the person beside you at work. Do not keep this wonderful gift for yourself. If you think there is no one you can share with, well you are so wrong. Ask God to guide you and He will bring people into your life that are ready to hear the truth about Jesus.

We cannot all be Billy Grahams, but God can and will use us wherever we are.

I agree with rECj on this man. We are judged by the company we keep and by the way we live our lives. We will probably never reach the public goals this man has met, but the work of God is as important no matter who carries it to the people.

In this day and age we now live in with the all powerful media, think about the negative reports that been written. While reading this article I tried to think of just one. I couldn't, can you?

Like rECj has said, we are just as important to God and carrying His word as this great man of God.

Have a blessed day and remember God can use you.

God Bless


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